seize Enter Stage Right![]() Then write a letter to ESR for publication! Names withheld by request and all letters are subject to editing for length, clarity or language. Letters from anywhere on the political spectrum are welcome and will be printed. Please state whether you wish your name to appear with the email. Send your hate-filled vitriol or love-filled praise to editor@enterstageright.com web posted June 19, 2006 Re: Oil is well: The shortage is a myth, and not a new one by Rod D. Martin (June 5, 2006) I was reading the article "Oil is well: The shortage is a myth, and not a new one" and a lot of the vitriolic drivel is based on attacking well meaning environmentalists because you think they caused the high prices. Notwithstanding that they do not own the companies that produce oil. The most moronic part of this tirade is this: They've blocked offshore drilling. They've blocked drilling in Alaska's ANWR. They've even come up with the most ludicrous political slogan of all time, "you can't drill your way to lower prices." They oppose drilling, period. And through their draconian rules and regulations, they've stopped even one single new refinery from being built in America in more than a generation. No, oil is a scarce raw material that's why its expensive and if you bothered to listen to people who know more than you (like Alan Greenspan recently) you'd know that its corporations not investing and institutional investors being savvy and buying up global excess production no matter how bad it is in order to drive up the price in order to produce profits unheard of in history. Of course oil is probably not made of old rainforests but that does not discount its scarcity, I don't see too many diamond mines in Stalin's Russia and that's another carbon right? That's abiotic and comes from deep within the earth yet its scarce too. I cant just dig anywhere and find my house floating on a gold-mine can I. Personally I have no problem with drilling in ANWR but to read that kind of junk simply attacking the left because you imagine the world to be that way proves only that the Internet really is democratic and its possible the voice of all kinds of kooks can be understood across the globe. I'm very sorry I read that article and I hope that in future your offerings are a bit more considered. Joe Ninty web posted June 12, 2006 Re: The White Man's burden by Alan Caruba (June 5, 2006) If you have been watching the UN, you will have noticed that it wants all advanced nations to give an automatic percentage of their GNPs to the UN for development and poverty reduction in the developing world. America has given $11 Billion last year which is too little by the UN's standards but more than any other. The UN bean counters are not counting the $47 Billion that is given out by charities of the American people. Interesting don't you think? The rest of the world doesn't come up to this totality of funds by far. This type of thinking has not worked internationally nor has it worked in the inner cities of the US which home grown poverty issues. Giving money doesn't work and it seems to enlarge the problem in the long term as nations and populations depend of our giving rather than in developing better and more responsive governments which can work for solutions. Feeding corruption and undermining personal initiative isn't a good formula for development of any kind. You wind up with more starving people, warring factions and stagnant economies over all. So why are we continuing to do it? We are feeding political correctness (a liberal construct). Julie Them Re: Where is America's exit strategy for illegal immigration? What is the exit strategy from the quagmire of rampant illegal immigration? For decades our leaders have been winking the way into this corrupt quagmire. Now that it has reached a crisis point, they throw up their hands and say "we can't deport so many millions of people." Of course you can't! Not because it is logistically any more impossible than your plan to screen and legalize all those millions, but because our borders are nothing but an inconvenience for anyone who is deported. The only exit from this quagmire, created by weak-willed politicos and corporate greed, is meaningful border security with fences, armed military, and technology, paired with meaningful employment oversight.
Barbara Vickroy
web posted June 5, 2006 Re: Federalizing plebiscites by Bruce Walker (May 22, 2006) Mr. Walker states that elected representatives are "unelected oligarches who are accountable to no one." This is not truly the case. These representatives are beholden to those who promote them through direct campaign contributions, and they are accountable to the party apparatus (appartchiks) to which they belong. Both major parties now promote socialist policy over Constitutional Republican governance. Paul Rusin
Holley, NY
web posted May 29, 2006 Re: Federalizing plebiscites by Bruce Walker (May 22, 2006) I strongly disagree with Bruce Walker about the need for federal initiatives and referenda. We are supposed to be a republic, not a democracy. Many of the problems we face in America stem from too much democracy, not too little. I agree with him that Congress is too leftist, but that is because the American people are too leftist. Giving the American people more direct control would not accomplish any of the conservative objectives Mr. Walker hopes for, but would only serve to hasten our republic's demise. Joe Liberty
Bruce Walker responds: I understand your concerns and also appreciate the cogent way you express them. You are absolutely correct that the United States was intended to be a republic (with very strong sovereign states, whose legislatures chose both the president and members of the Senate.) Sadly, however, a rampant federal judiciary has made such a mockery of the Constitution and we are not governed by elected representatives of the people (as we would be in a republic), but by unelected oligarches who are accountable to no one. The American people, I believe, are much more conservative than Congress and the president, who are in turn much more conservative than the federal courts and other unaccountable bureaucrats. I have written a number of articles about the converatism of the American people (just enter "Battleground Poll" and "Bruce Walker" to find five or six of those articles), and I submit that is why, even in states like California, initiatives with conservative flavor pass when the California legislature will not even consider. Re: The Da Vinci Code: What it means — And what it doesn't by Lady Liberty (May 22, 2006) |
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