Lingua publica web posted June 26, 2006 "Like the Sunni insurgency, the national Democrat Party and its congressional contingent has demonstrated time and again that they will willingly sacrifice the welfare and security of the American people to get their way... In the end, all that matters to them is regaining the power the American people took from them in 1994..." -- Michael Reagan "[T]he fundamental problem infecting much of Congress, the media and the political class -- especially those left of center -- is that they are consumed with loathing for President Bush and all his works and are prepared to do anything to undermine him, even if it makes the country less safe." -- Morton Kondracke "Despite the Republicans' best efforts to self-destruct, I can't see the Democrats taking either the House or Senate this November. As I said a few months back, even a loser has to have someone to lose to, and the Dems refuse to fulfill even that minimum requirement." -- Mark Steyn "I don't know how many times we have heard the president say, 'We will stand down as the Iraqis stand up.' I don't want to hear that anymore. It seems to me that that mantra no longer stands. That is, we have to start bringing our troops home." -- Harry Reid, who voted against bringing our troops home "Liberalism is a godless religion. Hello! Anyone there? I've leapt beyond calling you traitors and am now calling you GODLESS. Apparently, everybody's cool with that. The fact that liberals are godless is not even a controversial point anymore." -- Ann Coulter "President Bush returned safely from his surprise trip to Iraq. A lot of people criticize him, saying he was only in Iraq for five hours. Hey, it's still five hours longer than the French were there." -- Jay Leno "Freeze or fry, the problem is always industrial capitalism, and the solution is always international socialism." -- Harvard Professor Malcolm Ross "The whole notion of a scientific consensus [on global warming] has been contrived to disguise the genuine disagreement among scientists on a number of different issues... To think that hundreds of scientists could be in full agreement in dozens of separate disciplines is... more a matter of politics than science." -- MIT Professor of Meteorology Richard S. Lindzen "It is clear that there is an ample supply of people willing to use concern over the politicization of science as a political bludgeon to score points on the Bush Administration [but] where are the analysts (including reporters) who care about the politicization of science?" -- Colorado Environmental Studies Professor Roger Pielke web posted June 19, 2006 "No other military force in history has been so tightly limited in its defensive actions. And probably no other military force has been sufficiently disciplined to maintain such restrictive rules in the heat of combat. God bless our troops." -- Tony Blankley "For the anti-war left, hatred of the president is the filter through which all information flows. It has created a 'conventional wisdom' that nothing good is happening in Iraq and even if it is, inevitable defeat awaits the United States when it must ultimately withdraw, leaving chaos behind." -- Cal Thomas "Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, Al Qaeda's man in Iraq, remains at large." -- Bob Herbert, The New York Times, 8 June -- the day after Zarqawi was killed "The capture of Osama bin Laden likely would do little to help President Bush's approval ratings, a new poll indicates. Same goes for the death Wednesday of Iraqi al-Qaida leader Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, insofar as a Bush boost in popularity..." -- Associated Press on polling about polls "The accused cannot just be eliminated. This barbarity cannot be done." -- Cuban dictator Fidel Castro on al Zarqawi's demise in Iraq "In Canada, the retreat into denial was instantaneous... [O]fficials said the alleged plotters came from 'a variety of backgrounds' and the 'broad strata' of Canadian society because 'some are students, some are employed, some are unemployed.' They might as well have said the accused plotters were diverse because they all liked different ice cream. The relevant fact was that they were all Muslim and nearly all attended a single radical mosque. But it would be rude to mention that." -- Jonah Goldberg "Al Gore's movie is a pretty sobering film. Critics are calling it a wake-up call, which is pretty amazing. Who ever thought Al Gore would be giving people a wake-up call? ... They also said if global warming continues, tropical countries to the south will become too hot to live in and their desperate citizens will flee north, which means millions of Mexicans could sneak into the United States. Oh like that would ever happen." -- Jay Leno "It takes a particularly noble Democrat to promote marriage and family. The strengthening of these institutions is not in the Democrat Party's self-interest. The more people marry, and especially the more they have children after they marry, the more likely they are to hold conservative values and vote Republican. That is why it is inaccurate to speak of a 'gender gap' in Americans' voting. The gap is between married and unmarried women. Single women, especially single women with children, tend to vote Democrat, while married women, especially married women with children, tend to vote Republican." -- Dennis Prager web posted June 12, 2006 "The war now being waged in Congress over illegal immigration is mostly about which philosophy will prevail in the Republican Party. Will it be the conservative wing that brought the GOP to power after years of wandering in the political wilderness as a minority party, or will it be the moderate-liberal wing that became comfortable in the wilderness?" -- Cal Thomas "As members of the House and Senate head for a conference to try to reconcile the stark and probably irreconcilable differences incorporated in their two immigration bills, Republicans are between a rock and a hard place. And another rock. And another." -- Robert Novak "There is a curious dissonance in American politics at the moment... [W]e keep hearing, from people who should know, that Republicans are...headed for huge losses in 2006, and maybe in 2008 too. If so, why aren't Democrats more confident? Why are they still acting like embittered losers, wallowing in fantasies about past persecution?" -- James Taranto "I never read The New York Times anymore for information. I read The New York Times only to find out what the left-wing slant on stuff is." -- Morton Kondracke "[I]n some quarters there's still a debate over whether the moon landing was staged [or] whether the Earth is flat instead of round." -- Al Gore, trying to slam critics of his "global warming" crusade "Rep. William J. Jefferson appears to be that one-in-a-million rarity, like a buffalo nickel or a four-leaf clover: a corrupt Louisiana politician... Jefferson has strayed far from the Democratic mainstream. After all, Sandy Berger taught us that proper procedure for concealing important documents is to shove them down your pants." -- Jonah Goldberg "Scientists have confirmed they found the remains of Christopher Columbus, in a cathedral in Spain. As you know Columbus discovered America in 1492 looking for a western route to China and India. Do you know why he was looking for western route? This is true. To avoid Islamic extremists. Well thank God that problem is gone." -- Jay Leno "Through his every action, he sought to defeat America and our coalition partners and turn Iraq into a safe haven from which al-Qa'ida could wage its war... Now Zarqawi has met his end, and this violent man will never murder again." -- U.S. President George W. Bush "I think arguably over the last several years, no single person on this planet has had the blood of more innocent men, women and children on his hands than Zarqawi." -- Donald Rumsfeld "If Zarqawi's death doesn't impress you guys, how about the 'treasure trove' of information about terror operations in Iraq that we acquired in 17 raids in and near Baghdad following the attack on Zarqawi? Is that symbolic? How about the information that led to the attack, which U.S. Army Major Gen. William B. Caldwell IV said was acquired from within Zarqawi's network. Is that symbolic?" -- David Limbaugh "In the twenty years since the Chernobyl tragedy, the world's worst nuclear accident, there have been nearly [FILL IN ALARMIST AND ARMAGEDDONIST FACTOID HERE]." -- A Greenpeace statement mistakenly released web posted June 5, 2006 "Clearly, the greatest threat, the greatest threat to our country is the war on terror. But we also have another threat, and that is out-of-control federal spending. If we are going to buy the guns, we had better get a little lean on the butter, and we had better quit wrapping the butter in the American flag." -- Rep. Jeb Hensarling "Immigration reform has generated more emotion in the heartland of America than any other issue in years. But much of the angst heard during heated exchanges in both Houses of Congress and at protest demonstrations across the land could have been avoided had the issue been properly framed by the Bush administration." -- Oliver North "Senator, is it a success for the American people that illegal immigrants are going to be able to collect Social Security benefits and even tax credits on past illegal work? Is it a success for America that American officials must confer with Mexican authorities before they start building a fence on the border?" -- Fox News Channel's Chris Wallace to Sen. Bill Frist "It is a truly joyous day, a historic day." -- Mexican President Vicente Fox on the "triumph" of the Senate immigration bill vote "Moral Innumeracy" Department: "Yes, [assassinating Tony Blair] would be morally justified. I am not calling for it -- but if it happened, it would be...morally equivalent to ordering the deaths of thousands of innocent people in Iraq -- as Blair did." -- British MP George Galloway "I don't care what liberals think. I don't care that they're spineless suck-ups. Just don't insult my intelligence by telling me they're brave." -- Ann Coulter "Mexico President Vicente Fox is in the United States. He's been here three days and already has a job and a social security number." -- Conan O'Brian "Hillary Clinton called for Americans to save gas by returning to the 55 mile per hour speed limit. I'm not going to believe she's serious about saving gas until I see her and Bill actually drive somewhere together in the same car." -- Jay Leno web posted May 29, 2006 "Instead of a national commitment to assimilation, a cynical multiculturalism -- often state-mandated -- sends the message that our culture is no better than any other, so there is no particular reason to embrace the American experience." -- Jeff Jacoby "The federal government currently requires some counties to print ballots and other election materials in foreign languages -- a mandate which is, to say the least, a little curious. If someone must learn English to be a citizen, and only citizens can vote, why is there a need for bilingual ballots? Such is the level of dishonesty in today's immigration debate." -- Newt Gingrich "We essentially have an NFL draft where the United States has the first, oh, million or so draft picks. And rather than exercising those picks, i.e., choosing by whatever criteria we want -- such as education, enterprise, technical skills and creativity -- we admit the tiniest fraction of the best and brightest and permit millions of the unskilled to pour in instead." -- Charles Krauthammer "French Are Rudest, Most Boring People on Earth: British Poll" -- Agence France-Presse "They don't get the uniqueness of New Orleans, they don't really get what really happened during Katrina -- all they saw was those awful images -- and they really don't get Ray Nagin. Sometimes I don't get Ray Nagin, so it's all right." -- Ray Nagin, re-elected mayor of New Orleans on what he would tell those who were surprised at his re-election "The Senate voted to make English the national language of the United States. The vote drew protests from several immigrant groups and one governor of California." -- Conan O'Brien "Why not use immigration the way sports teams use the draft -- to upgrade our roster? We could take our pick of the world's engineers, doctors, scientists, uh... smoking-hot Latin guys who stand around not wearing shirts between workouts. Or, you know, whatever..." -- Ann Coulter "Sen. John McCain...angrily denied that the Senate legislation was an 'amnesty.' 'Call it a banana if you want to,' he told his fellow world's greatest deliberators. 'To call the process that we require under this legislation amnesty frankly distorts the debate and it's an unfair interpretation of it.' He has a point... Whether or not, as McCain says, we should call it a singular banana, it's certainly plural bananas." -- Mark Steyn "Mexico threatened to sue the U.S. government if the National Guard apprehends any illegal aliens who cross the border. The threat must be feared and respected. Mexico has biological weapons that come right out of the kitchen faucet." -- Argus Hamilton "The Pentagon announced that Iraq's border is now 90% under control, which is pretty impressive when you realize that San Diego's border is only 20% under control." -- Jay Leno |
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