Water's nice, but not as ice
By Alan Caruba A little ice to cool a drink on a hot summer's day is nice, but when you think of it as an Ice Age, it becomes an inexorable force of Nature more to be feared than any fictional global warming. In a recent memoir, marine biologist Trevor Norton recalls growing up "beside a sullen sea" and drawn to the "bluer oceans beyond the horizon, salt-scented and transparent." As a young boy, Norton marveled at the fact that both he and the world were seven-tenths salt water—that his blood had almost the identical chemical composition as the sea and that, in the womb, he'd even had gills. We came from the oceans and, to an extent that few but those who have studied them understand, the oceans play a critical role in the Earth's climate cycles. It is those cycles that reveal what is really happening and what is going to happen as a new, inevitable Ice Age begins to signal its emergence. As June drew to a close, my daily newspaper reported, "Jerseyeans evacuate as river swells toward 50-year high." Unusual flooding occurred from Washington, D.C. up through New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and New York. What could be causing such torrential rain? Would you believe volcanoes? No, not the ones you can see, but the ones beneath the oceans of the world that you cannot. In a prescient book, Not by Fire, but by Ice, Robert W. Felix shares his years of independent research to warn of the next Ice Age that is, meteorologically speaking, just around the corner. There are two factors at work. One is the established, known cycles of climate change. The other is the unknown number of undersea volcanoes.
"Marine geophysicists about the research vessel Melville recently discovered 1,133 previously unmapped underwater volcanoes about 600 miles northwest of Easter Island," Felix notes in his book. That would put them about 2,300 miles west of Chile in the South Pacific. "And they're huge." Since only about five percent of the ocean floor has been mapped, there is no way of knowing how many volcanoes exist, "pumping awesome amounts of heat into the seas." Global warming, based heavily on computer models is, after twenty-five years of endless eco-bloviating, only now being aggressively debunked by a growing body of scientists. They have begun to fear that science itself is being debased by the torrent of false claims. As Felix says, "It's not global warming, it's ocean warming, caused by underwater volcanoes." The Earth has always been a dynamic planet producing all manner of change. The recent earthquakes in the Indian Sea area, unusually heavy snowfalls, and the severity of hurricanes are testimony to the constant change that has always occurred. Among the changes is the realization that the northern hemisphere is undergoing cooling, not warming. You don't have to be a climatologist to understand why. As the oceans and seas are subject to the unseen volcanic activity, they are sending huge amounts of moisture up into the atmosphere where it returns as a heavy rain in spring, summer and fall. In the winter, it returns as snow. When those warm air fronts from the equatorial regions move north and volcanic activity increases their heat, they hit the cold air fronts coming from the pole and the result are more violent storms. You get the kind of torrential rains that occurred in late June on the East Coast. You get blizzards that blanket a region with snow that is increasingly deeper in winter. The key to understanding what is really occurring on Earth is to understand that there are known cycles. As Felix notes, "there is an ice-age cycle known as the Milankovitch cycle; one that returns like clockwork. I believe it is now time for the next beat of that cycle." "Warming seas and colder skies…a deadly combination," says Felix. We are coming to an end of the current interglacial period of approximately eleven to twelve thousand years. When you put increased amount of moisture into the air as the result of warming oceans and seas, you get snow. "Unimaginable amounts of snow." It's the kind of snow that trapped ancient mastodons in their tracks, freezing them so swiftly that, when thawed out thousands of years later, the food in their stomach could be identified. Despite what the scaremongering Global Warming snake oil salesmen are telling you, the ice and the snow packs of both the Artic and Antarctic are thickening. That means it is getting colder in both these regions. Combine that with increasing underwater volcanic activity that is warming the oceans and seas, plus the Milankovitch cycle, the end of the current interglacial period, and you get the next Ice Age. It could occur so swiftly that it would create chaos among the populations of the northern hemisphere. Either way, slow or quick, the early warning signs of storms with increasing severity, heavier rainfalls, blizzards that leave deeper snow in their wake, and floods all over the globe are all there for anyone to see. We could stop all industrial activity and require all cars and trucks off the roads of the world and it would not make a single bit of difference. It is not manmade carbon dioxide that is bringing about these changes. It is active volcanoes, some a mile or more high, yet entirely hidden from view under the oceans. Nature doesn't care where you live or what you drive. Editor's Note: To learn more, visit www.iceagenow.com. Alan Caruba writes a weekly column, "Warning Signs", posted on the Internet site of The National Anxiety Center. Merril Press will publish his new book, "Right Answers", in September. © Alan Caruba, 2006