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London: Suicide decoys and humanitarian terrorists?

By Nicholas Stix
web posted August 1, 2005

Humanitarian Terrorists?

'Peace Activists for Terrorism,' would have been a more accurate slogan on the signs carried by "peace activists" demonstrating outside the London tube (subway) station last Sunday where Brazilian electrician Jean Charles de Menezes had been shot to death by a London policeman two days before.

Demonstrators gathered outside the station to condemn the shooting, and to call for police to refrain from ever using deadly force in dealing with suspected homicide bombers.

The policeman who shot Jean Charles de Menezes was under orders to take "head shots," because a body shot, the usual procedure (because it offers the largest target), might set off the explosives under a suicide bomber's coat.

According to alleged reporter Teri Okita, who covered the demonstration for CBS' New York affiliate with undisguised sympathy, most of the demonstrators were "immigrants and Muslims." It apparently didn't occur to Okita that if taken seriously, Muslims and immigrants demonstrating against necessary anti-terrorism security measures after two coordinated terrorist attacks in two weeks, would lead the British populace to infer that Muslims and immigrants are all either terrorists or their supporters.

Were the London police to stop shooting people who act as Jean Charles de Menezes did, the terrorists could operate with impunity. Which, of course, is the point.

The one anti-British demonstrator whom Okita interviewed at length, was Caoimhe Butterly. Butterly was quoted by Michigan's WLNS-TV news as saying, "There can be no justification for shooting�5 bullets into the head of an unarmed man."

How was the policeman to know that a man who looked, dressed, and acted like a suicide bomber was unarmed?

Okita didn't give her viewers any background on Butterly. And with good reason.

Anywhere in the world where Caoimhe Butterly sees Western or Western-style democracies besieged by or at war with terrorists or Stalinist butchers, she gives aid and comfort to the terrorists/Stalinists. Thus has she fasted for the Taliban, and acted as a "human shield" in Israel for Arab terrorists, and in Iraq, for Saddam Hussein. Now she is in London, trying to help al-Qaida.

Caoimhe Butterly calls herself variously a "peace activist," "peace worker," and "human rights" activist, but she no more believes in those things than I believe in Islam.

Butterly uses people's humanity against them.

Her favorite tactic is to act as an unlawful combatant, by standing in front of young terrorists -- or as she quaintly calls them, "children" -- and shielding them from return fire. Israeli soldiers are then inhibited by the sight of an unarmed woman, placing them in danger of being killed either by the terrorists Butterly is shielding or by other terrorists in the vicinity whom the soldiers do not notice, while Butterley distracts them. At the very least, the terrorists escape to murder another day.

In 2002, Butterly entered Yassir Arafat's besieged compound in Ramallah, disguised as a Red Crescent medic. In Israel, Arab terrorists have for years used the ambulances and vests of the Red Crescent ambulance service/terrorist organization to attack Jews.

In Israel, Butterly worked with the International Solidarity Movement (ISM). The mainstream media portrayed the ISM as a humanitarian peace organization, but as I reported at the time, its Web site openly supported terrorism against Jews � soldiers and civilians, adults and babies alike. ISM co-founder Adam Shapiro also used the Red Crescent medic ruse, in order to sneak into Arafat's compound, as part of a publicity stunt with Butterly. Shapiro lied, in claiming he had never before met Arafat, in calling himself a Jew, rather than admitting that he had repudiated Judaism years before, and in calling himself a "peace worker." (See also "Pacifist's' Brother Threatens Journalist" and "War is Peace: We are All Pacifists Now.")

The ISM uses non-violent tactics as means to violent ends.

In 2002, the ISM (Butterly, Shapiro, & Co.) sabotaged Israeli security barriers, in order to help Arab terrorists murder Israeli Jews, and sought to stop the demolition by Israeli authorities of the homes of Arab terrorists. Under the traditional laws of war, saboteurs -- armed or no -- may be shot on sight. And Butterley was wounded in the thigh. Her propaganda cadres used her wounding to extol her "heroism." In Time Europe, Mair�ad Carey wrote of Butterly, "She Took a Bullet for Peace."

At the time, the ISM echoed Yassir Arafat, one of the 20th century's two bloodiest terrorists, in calling on other nations to wage war on Israel, on behalf of Arafat, who had planned and started the war. Like Arafat, Butterly and Shapiro didn't seek peace; they sought and still seek the annihilation of the Jews of Israel. But then, Hitler also claimed to be a pacifist.

Butterly is a communist, and lying comes as naturally to a communist as it does to a Nazi. And thus, when she was in Israel, months after the Jenin blood libel had been exposed, she continued fabricating stories about a massacre in Jenin that had never occurred. Butterly could not do this alone, but she has for years been blessed with a cadre of Marxist propagandists posing as journalists. And so, "documentary film-maker" Katie Barlow, told so many lies on Butterly's behalf in the pages of The Guardian, that it proved too much even for The Guardian's editors. Not that they minded helping to spread the Jenin blood libel, but they simply could not abide Barlow's exaggerating the number of armed Arab terrorists who accompanied Butterly on one of her jaunts in the territories.

(Note that Caoimhe Butterly and Adam Shapiro both use the identical cover story, claiming to have been influenced by the non-violent teachings of Gandhi and King. In reading those men, I must have missed the passages where they justified giving material assistance to genocidal terrorists.)

In case you are wondering why a communist would so enthusiastically embrace Islamic terrorists and dictators, communists have always sought to manipulate any group that they saw as opposed to "the bourgeoisie" (or in more contemporary parlance, "the oppressor class" or "privileged white males"), into dying fighting their revolution for them. In America, communists started seeking to use blacks during the Great Depression, but didn't enjoy much success until the 1960s, when blacks' own political and religious leaders sold them out, for the sake of the leaders' own wealth and power.

At about the same time (late 1950s/early 1960s), as Lee Harris has written, communists like Paul Baran developed third world theory, in which they demonized America, and sought to conscript the entire world's poor to fight their revolution against us. Ok, so the communists are atheistic materialists and often feminists, while the Arabs fighting the West tend to be wealthy aristocrats who seek to impose a medieval theocracy and enslave women. You can't have everything.

Communists have also for generations claimed to be "pacifists," claiming that only capitalism causes war. But as I wrote three years ago, real pacifists are almost as rare as virgins in a brothel. In my experience, going back to the late 1970s, while I have known some Germans who were real pacifists -- call it the Hitler effect � the self-identification "pacifist" is frequently a code word for "communist." (In the case of Holocaust-denier Ernst Zundel, it is a code word for "Nazi.")

Suicide Decoys?

If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it's � not a duck?

That is exactly what al-Qaida supporters in London are now insisting, in the wake of the police shooting of Jean Charles de Menezes.

Let's see. De Menezes came out of a suspected terrorist lair, looked like a terrorist, and acted like one. He had a shaved head, a beard, wore a heavy, padded, winter coat on a muggy, summer's day, and when the police ordered him to stop, he instead ran toward a subway car full of people, leapt over a barrier, and hurtled into the train.

Imagine you're a terrorist, and you have people willing to die for your goal of � spreading death. You've just had a failed mission, which led to a load of bad publicity, and a government crackdown. The thing you need most, until you can engineer your next attack, is a propaganda victory that casts the government as racist, fascist, and murderous. So, you send out a suicide decoy with no bomb, to get shot, in order to discredit the police. Or maybe you just get lucky, and some moron who is too stupid to live, or a nutter who seeks to commit "suicide by cop," or because he is deliberately trying to help you, does the job. With the help of the Fifth Column media, the resultant discrediting of the police will cause the government to handcuff them and relax security. And then you will strike again, bigger than before.

Nicholas Stix can be reached at add1dda@aol.com.


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