The Shadow Party Blueprint for Democrats: Deceive and conquer By Bernard Chapin To condemn as false the entirety of the left's attacks on their opponents, the past, our culture, and capitalism is to somewhat overstate the case as, amid the sweltering cauldron of fabrication which so often is their argumentation, a few gray areas exist wherein the rhetoric is more true than false. Perhaps the best example of one such area is in the conservative habit of refuting their claims while denying that we think they're unpatriotic. The fact is, nearly all of us realize they are unpatriotic because they hate their homeland and cheer for it to fail in every endeavor. That we systematically deny this understanding is due to varying reasons. In the case of this reviewer, it stems from a libertarian aversion to censorship which is a topic which must come up after labeling certain positions as sedition. Therefore, to preserve the marketplace of ideas for everyone (or what political correctness has left us of this marketplace), it is often best not to call a traitor a traitor. Eminent conservative theorist David Horowitz and co-author Richard Poe have no such qualms about stating the obvious, and aggressively do so in their recent release, The Shadow Party: How George Soros, Hillary Clinton, and Sixties Radicals Seized Control of the Democratic Party. The text examines the relationship between a queen, a queenmaker, and a legion of fanatical pages and squires. For those readers familiar with his oeuvre, they will undoubtedly agree that Horowitz delivers here his usual survey of history, biography, and political commentary along with the type of powerful analysis rarely offered by his peers. Their subject is both grim and all-encompassing. The book's central theme is that an unwritten partnership exists between George Soros, whom the authors dub the Lenin of the Shadow Party, and Hillary Rodham Clinton. The two of them are the heroes and apex, the Cesare Borgia's if you will, of those elites who foment revolution from above while the grassroots radicals they finance destabilize the nation from below. Their goal is to bring about an "orderly revolution" through which Mrs. Clinton, their Trojan Horse, will be legally elected and bring about a severe deconstruction and reconstruction of the nation. They believe that what cannot be accomplished by her hand will be enacted by the courts who began treating the Constitution as a fuzzy concept decades ago. George Soros is an uber-tycoon and legend of the financial world who, unfortunately for us all, turned his attention to politics in later life. His views were formed and inspired by his former teacher Karl Popper, whose notion of an "Open Society" remains on his lips today, and is the name he chose for his foremost institute and foundation. The Open Society is essentially one wherein none of the leaders believe in eternal truths and where the politicians and populace do not regard themselves as being superior to the citizens of any other nation. That the United States is no such place quickly became apparent to him; yet, regrettably, that no other country on the planet fulfills these utopian criteria has never become apparent. It did to Popper though who stated that his optimism about the world soared after every visit to our shores, and even once claimed that a particular visit relieved him of depression. This eventuality makes no difference to Soros who despises George W. Bush and has made pronouncements equating him with Nazis. Soros, despite his affection for the Clintons, has dedicated his fortune to stopping those who believe in our goodness and transcendence. More than anything, he craves a way to "puncture the bubble of American supremacy." Why would a billionaire tycoon be so hateful towards a nation that generously granted him citizenship? Well, it seems that for Soros the personal really is political, and a large section of The Shadow Party is devoted to uncovering the exact workings of his personality. This is actually a much easier task than one would expect as his psyche is comically transparent. Soros was born a Hungarian Jew who escaped Auschwitz during the Second World War by posing as the godchild of a government official. From there the story turned horrific, as it was this particular official's task to confiscate property from the -- soon-to-be dead -- Jews. Young Soros duly accompanied his protector on his rounds while doing side work running deportation messages for the Nazi-installed Judenrat. His bosses there existed to smooth over many of the difficulties among the Jewish population that inevitably arose as they were methodically robbed, beaten, sealed in ghettos, and earmarked for extinction. Their work was invaluable to men like Adolf Eichmann as they removed many of the obstacles that could have delayed the factory-style exterminations that he coordinated. According to Soros, the experience left him with the will to survive, but, to the rest of us, it is very clear that it left him with an eternal case of guilt. His need to placate this guilt is probably the reason why he so longs to become "the conscious of the world," and yes, it is humorous that he actually walks around using such language for self-description -- which goes to show that comprehending the motives of others is not always that difficult an undertaking. Soros uses his money to fuel his megalomania and has created mischief all over the world. Whenever Soros chooses, his immense fortune can be pointed like a siege engine in the direction of whatever front radicals are in most need of reducing. The Open Society is so vague an apprehension that it can simultaneously be violated by our nation along with murderous regimes like Slobodon Milosevic's in Serbia. Vanity seems to have something to do with Soros's actions as President Clinton, who lavished attention and power upon him, was deemed a great leader while President Bush, who has ignored him, is considered the bane of civilization. The one shortcoming of this book is that it is far more about George Soros and the radicals of the sixties than it is about Hillary Clinton. Those looking for her biography are advised to search elsewhere, but the authors do demonstrate that Hillary's political machine ("Hillaryland") has been forged partly by the funds of Soros and is harmony with his aspirations. Her unofficial think tank, The Center for American Progress, may be run by John Podesta, but Horowitz and Poe believe that the junior senator from New York is the one who makes all of its real decisions. In Hillary Clinton, the radicals have the candidate they always wanted. She has hidden her far left inclinations well since first being elected in 2000. Her think tank exists to rebuke her critics, and also to have operatives in place to quickly morph into an administration should she win in 2008. Soros has had many successes over the years, and placing her in the Oval Office would even outshine his victory with the McCain-Feingold Act. Although, from what we know about Hillary Clinton, it is unlikely that she would ever consent to be the pawn of anyone, but, in this case, she shares the same ideology as the behemoth that champions her. It is greatly hoped that an electoral victory in 2008 will not result in her playing Stalin to the Shadow Party's Lenin on a gargantuan stage known as the world. Bernard Chapin is a writer from Chicago and author of Escape from Gangsta Island. He will be completing a new book concerning women in December of this year. His email address is Buy The Shadow Party: How George Soros, Hillary Clinton, and Sixties Radicals Seized Control of the Democratic Party at for only $15.59 (40% off)