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Super-Corridor to oblivion

By Henry Lamb
web posted July 31, 2006

There is growing concern about the proposed "Super-Corridor" from the southern tip of Mexico to Canada. The project, underway for more than a decade, is just now being introduced to the public. And the public doesn't like what they are hearing.

Confusion about the project is rampant because the project is still primarily a concept, in the planning stages, and most of the final decisions will not be made for some time. Several very important decisions, however, have already been made.

The North American International Trade Corridor Partnership has officially amalgamated with the North American SuperCorridor Coalition (NASCO) to promote the development of a trade corridor designed to expedite the flow of trade through the North American Continent.

NASCO is a not-for-profit lobbying organization that has received $2.5 million in Congressional earmarks from the Department of Transportation to promote the corridor concept. Their 24-member board of directors includes county commissioners from four Texas Counties; an Oklahoma state senator, and a member of OK-DOT; two officials from the Texas DOT; attorneys, a couple of construction company officials, and an official of the U.S.-Mexico Chamber of Commerce. Membership fees range from $500 for an individual, up to $25,000 for government entities. Membership includes several U.S. government entities.

NASCO claims that "There are no plans to build a new NAFTA Superhighway - it exists today as I-35." This, however, is at odds with reality.

On December 16, 2004, The Texas Transportation Commission, well represented in NASCO, entered into an agreement with a consortium called based in Spain, with tentacles into several other countries. The Comprehensive Development Agreement is open-ended (up to 50 years), and provides for many options along the way.

The goal is to build and operate a privately funded toll-corridor that includes up to 10 lanes of car and truck traffic, rail lines, pipelines and utilities, including communications systems. The current agreement is limited to Texas, but fits nicely into the master plan being advanced by NASCO.

It also fits nicely into the vision of the Council on Foreign Relations' recent report: Building a North American Community, which advocates "unlimited access to each other's territory" (page 47), including allowing Mexican or Canadian companies to freely enter the U.S. to compete with U.S. trucking companies, hauling freight between U.S. cities.

This, of course, is essential to the creation of the North American Union, the goal of the Security and Prosperity Partnership. This Partnership includes enhanced border crossings for trade, and for individuals, using a new SENTRI program being developed by the U.S. Customs Department.

This massive transformation of the United States of America into the North American Union is well under way. It is being implemented with the blessings of the last three Presidents, key Congressmen, and the most powerful business and professional government leaders.

There's one small problem: no one asked the American people if they want this transformation.

The entire concept has never been presented to Congress, nor to the American people for reflection, discussion, debate, and approval. Instead, powerful lobbying groups, such as NASCO, and others, present small segments of the concept, wrapped up in a package of financial benefits, and then "sell" the idea in installments. Each installment is a baby-step toward the North American Union, which is similar to the European Union, both key elements in the structure of global governance.

The fundamental transformation is to our system of governance; we are moving from the system of representative government set forth in the U.S. Constitution, to a system of collaborative policy-making by professional bureaucrats and business leaders. This outcome is precisely what the President's Council on Sustainable Development called for in its 1993 We Believe Statements:

"We need a new collaborative decision process that leads to better decisions; more rapid change; and more sensible use of human, natural, and financial resources in achieving our goals." (Statement No. 8)

What we really need are elected officials who listen to their constituents and refuse to be steam-rolled, or bought, by professional bureaucrats and business leaders.

The Texas Transportation Commission can withdraw from its agreement with Cintra-Zachry at anytime. Perhaps the voters in Texas can call for a referendum, to see if the people of Texas really want this Super-Corridor. The people of Texas could, once again, play a vital role in saving the United States.

Henry Lamb is the executive vice president of the Environmental Conservation Organization (ECO), and chairman of Sovereignty International.






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