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It's actually the 'Harris-Biden' ticket!

By Mark Alexander
web posted August 17, 2020

It's official. Joe Biden was informed by his campaign puppeteers that they chose leftist Senator Kamala Harris (D-CA) for the bottom (read: "TOP") of his presidential ticket. They completed the selection of Biden's [Insert Woman of Color Here] requirement just in time for the Socialist Democrat Party convention commencing Monday.

Apparently, neither Michelle Obama nor Susan Rice passed Biden's sniff test, both with too many skeletons in their closets. Apparently, Harris, in Biden's estimation, is the "first mainstream African American [woman] who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking [gal]."

This ticket will be "a storybook, man!"

Biden said: "I need someone working alongside me who is smart, tough, and ready to lead. Kamala is that person." By "ready to lead," he means ready by high noon on Inauguration Day, January 20, 2021, to step in and name a leftist replacement for Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, who has been propped up by a 2x4 since Donald Trump took office.

Within minutes of Biden's announcement, both The New York Times and the Associated Press described Harris as a "pragmatic moderate" whose record is "relatively centrist." Only in the alternate Marxist universe occupied by Leftmedia propagandists does Harris qualify as "moderate" or "centrist." Harris's Senate record affirms she is a card-carrying socialist, but you can expect to hear the "moderate" and "centrist" adjectives repeatedly — until November 4th.

And the Leftmedia better toe that line — recall that a gaggle of the nation's most influential leftist women already put the media on notice about any criticism of Biden's female VP. In a memo to "News Division Heads, Editors in Chiefs, Bureau Chiefs, Political Directors, Editors, Producers, Reporters, and Anchors," these women warned that no criticism of Harris would be tolerated.

Notably, regarding the Biden campaign's big demographic play for multitudes of emotionally incontinent liberal women voters, I thought they had dispensed with that antiquated binary gender construct. As Matt Walsh notes: "'Woman,' by the light of the Left's philosophy, is an arbitrary concept. It has no substance. It is not objective. It can mean anything and be anyone."

Fact is, Biden's handlers, as well as a majority of Americans, already know he's just a placeholder, or, as Joe calls himself, a "transitional candidate." His strategy is to remain hunkered and bunkered through Election Day — maybe even avoiding the traditional presidential debates altogether — and to send Harris out for media ops.

If elected, Biden will likely resign during his first term due to his progressive state of dementia, so Democrat voters know they're casting their presidential ballots for Harris.

(Incidentally, the last time the nation was saddled with a placeholder president was in 1944, when it was evident to his inner circle that Franklin Delano Roosevelt would not survive his fourth term. His handlers thus tapped Senator Harry Truman (D-MO) as his successor.)

Cleary, the LONG delay in selecting Harris was caused by big changes in the political calculus after Biden and his Democrat race-bait tag team, Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer, spent the last 10 weeks fomenting race riots in their Demo-controlled urban centers nationwide. They spuriously claimed that American justice is replete with "systemic racism" from top to bottom.

Thus, having incited mobs of radical leftists, Biden's handlers were faced with a "Harris problem": Now that Democrat opportunists had incorporated into their campaign the black supremacist Marxists operating under the Black Lives Matter brand, they needed to find a black female who wouldn't dampen the enthusiasm of Stacey Abrams's racially charged radicals to her left, nor upset the sensibilities of the more moderate Demo supporters and independent voters to her right.

The problem with Harris is that, despite her effort to portray herself as a "progressive" former prosecutor, even The New York Times concluded that she "was often on the wrong side of history when she served as California's attorney general." By "wrong side," the NYT means "right side," which is why the far Left may reject her as the next president.

After adopting the "defund the police" mantra, Biden puts the former chief law enforcement officer (attorney general) for the most populous state in the nation (California) on his ticket?

Bernie Sanders's former national press secretary, Briahna Joy Gray, summed up the problem: "We are in the midst of the largest protest movement in American history, the subject of which is excessive policing, and the Democratic Party chose a 'top cop' and the author of the Joe Biden crime bill to save us from Trump. The contempt for the base is, wow."

Outlining a few of Harris's more egregious offenses as AG, Loyola law professor Lara Bazelon declared in The New York Times: "Harris fought tooth and nail to uphold wrongful convictions that had been secured through official misconduct that included evidence tampering, false testimony and the suppression of crucial information by prosecutors."

Further, in 2014, after a federal judge ordered the release of nonviolent offenders for parole in California, then-AG Harris argued that her state prisons would lose "an important labor pool." (Talk about keeping black folks on the Demo plantation...) Harris never apologized for that assertion, and she hopes Biden's constituents will forget about her record as a "Draconian Prosecutor."

By the way, while she was locking up pot smokers, recall that when asked if she had smoked marijuana, Harris responded, "Half my family's from Jamaica — are you kidding me?" That was funny, except the "stereotype" drew a strong rebuke from her father, who responded: "My dear departed grandmothers, as well as my deceased parents, must be turning in their grave right now to see their family's name, reputation and proud Jamaican identity being connected, in any way, jokingly or not, with the fraudulent stereotype of a pot-smoking joy seeker and in the pursuit of identity politics. Speaking for myself and my immediate Jamaican family, we wish to categorically dissociate ourselves from this travesty."

The Wall Street Journal's Jason Willick asked last year, "Can a prosecutor win the Democratic presidential nomination?" We will see.

Unfortunately for Harris, Trump, who calls her Biden's "political living will," brilliantly preempted her "criminal-justice reform" recovery platform by working across party lines to enact reforms last year.

As it stands, Biden's handlers believe Harris will appeal to enough moderates and independents to make up for the radical leftists who see her as a political prop, and blacks who see her as lacking a real connection to their community. But to bridge that gap, Harris has endeavored to adopt radical socialist policies from Bernie Sanders.

Harris votes with Sanders on 92% of legislation and was his socialized healthcare cosponsor. She also cosponsored with Sanders the so-called "Green New Deal" and, of course, cosponsored the absurd $14 trillion "reparations rebate."

She also supports open bordersfree healthcare for illegal aliens, and compared Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents to the KKK.

Moreover (and as fodder for Trump campaign ads), Harris's problems with Biden are no small matter.

In the second Democrat presidential primary debate last year, Hawaii Representative Tulsi Gabbard confronted Harris about her record as California's attorney general — claiming her tough-on-crime policies were unjust. In an effort to recover, Harris attacked Biden for his support of racist segregationists. She also asked for an apology from Biden — which he didn't deliver.

But alas, her standing in the polls dropped after those summer confrontations, and she never recovered, ultimately withdrawing from the race in December.

Of course, Biden's campaign was on life support too, as he finished a dismal fourth in Iowa, fifth in New Hampshire, and got clobbered by 26 points by Bernie Sanders in Nevada. But once he received the endorsement of Demo House Whip Jim Clyburn just ahead of the South Carolina primary, he regained momentum on Super Tuesday (or "Super Thursday" as Biden gaffed it) for a first-place finish.

A bigger problem would be that on April 3rd last year, after several women accused Creepy Joe of sexual assault, Harris declared, "I believe them and I respect them being able to tell their story and having the courage to do it."

So, she has joined the ticket of a man who she believes panders to racists and is guilty of sexual assault?

Just who is the real Kamala Harris? There are personal profiles and policy primers, but suffice it to say, she's to the left of Sanders and former Cherokee candidate Elizabeth Warren.

On a personal level, Harris is most assuredly not the product of poor and unwed parents, as was the case with Barack Obama. But like Obama, she only had one black parent, and her parents divorced when she was only seven, which is why she grew up primarily in Canada.

Her mother was a scientist who emigrated from India, and her father was a Stanford University economist who emigrated from Jamaica.

After graduating from Howard University and UC Hastings Law School, she got a helping hand from California Assembly Speaker Willie Brown, who gave her a $120K "patronage job," and with whom Harris had an extended affair. Brown was 30 years her senior, but she didn't let that interfere with the doors he could open for her. Ironically, Brown advised Harris to pass on Biden's offer to join his ticket.

Harris is now married to a white leftist lawyer, Douglas Emhoff, and they live in a posh multimillion-dollar Brentwood mansion. They list assets in excess of $5 million.

So much for a connection to working-class blacks, who constitute one of the Democrats' most loyal constituencies.

In 2017, after six years as California attorney general under leftist Governor Jerry "Moonbeam" Brown, she succeeded California leftist Senator Barbara Boxer to serve with aging Senator Dianne Feinstein, where Harris made a name for herself leading the disgraceful Senate mob's obstructionist confirmation hearings of now-Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh.

So, what does Harris do for the Biden ticket? Again, in effect, this is a Harris-Biden ticket, and the reason why last year I put Harris at the top of my speculative list of Biden running mates is because I estimated then, as I do now, that as the real Biden ticketholder, she'll be the most difficult opponent for Trump to beat. That will be especially true given the millions of dollars allocated for swing-state advertising, funded by the "Archenemies of Liberty," George Soros, Tom Steyer, Jeff Bezos, and Michael Bloomberg.

According to seasoned political analyst John Fund, Trump has been branded a "misogynist" and "racist" by the Left, so Harris will be "a candidate who would appeal to feminists and minorities alike and drive turnout up." In short, she "checks all the requisite liberal boxes."

But Trump's greatest adversary is not Harris or Biden — it's the amount of hate he has fomented over the last four years.

Even so, all that race calculation doesn't change the fact that, as I have noted previously, "The great irony about the Biden's VP race-pandering charade is that the Democrat Party is the most enduring monument to racism in America." ESR

Mark Alexander is the executive editor of the Patriot Post.




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