Finally, a Democrat comes out of the wilderness
By Vincent Fiore In this case, the credit goes to Donna Brazile, Democratic political consultant and Al Gore's 2000 presidential campaign manager. Bedsides these credentials, Donna Brazile is also skilled, it seems, in the application of common sense and of the values that make America great -- values that so many of her cohorts on the left discount, if not forget completely.
Brazile, who claims New Orleans as her hometown, said this regarding Bush's speech Thursday night: "On Thursday night, after watching him [Bush] speak from the heart, I could not have been prouder of the president and the plan he outlined to empower those who lost everything and to rebuild the Gulf Coast." These words written by Brazile are stunning, when you stop and think about just how much has been said about Bush these past five years, and by whom. A cottage industry of sorts, hating Bush has become an institution unto itself. And it is no secret that among this president's detractors, this same Donna Brazile was one of them -- early and often. Even Republicans in general were none-too-high on Brazile's list, as evidenced by her infamous quote about not letting the "white boys win" the presidency in 2000. To be fair though, Brazile has at times been a welcoming light of civility in an otherwise dreary and intellectually light-less Democratic Party. In 2000, almost immediately after 36 days of an election tug-of-war that had Bush finally becoming the president-elect, Brazile stepped up in the interest of unity, stating that Bush made a "good start" by appointing Powell and Rice to top posts. Cautioning Bush that he "can't stop there," Brazile further articulates "We will be looking at the diversity of future Bush appointments and whether the president-elect keeps reaching out to blacks. I think he will." Or as recently as December, 2004, when President Bush was appointing an amorphous group of second-term top advisors, most Democratic Party leaders were apt to classify Bush as engaging in mere window-dressing. But Brazile thought otherwise, saying: "The president has done more than diversify his Cabinet -- President Bush has opened new doors for minorities and women to consider the benefits of joining the ranks of the Republican Party." These kinds of words are welcomed not only by the president and the members of his party, but by the American people themselves. Most are weary of being buffeted by the racial overtones and generalized Black v. White adversity that is ceaselessly propagated and peddled by an old media looking to make news. So when I hear someone who has been as politically passionate against the GOP as Donna Brazile has been over the years now saying: "The president has set a national goal and defined a national purpose. This is something I believe with all my heart -- Mr. President, I am ready for duty. I am ready to stir those old pots again. Let's roll up our sleeves and get to work," you applaud and encourage these words, and the woman who said them. As a conservative, I stand with Democrat Donna Brazile in this, as she stands beside Republican President George W. Bush. But as an American first and forever, I stand with anyone that can say such things as "We are one nation. We are a family. And this is what we do." Indeed, it is the greatness of this task set before us that is offset by the greater effort of "We the People" as a whole, that defines America. I think all of America should applaud the words of Donna Brazile, and echo them far and wide. There is no greater work ethic, the rolling "up our sleeves" that Donna Brazile talked about, than that of the American people. I will rebuild with you, Ms. Brazile, and be proud to do so. Bravo for your words. Vincent Fiore is a freelance political writer who lives in New York City. He receives e-mail at
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