The contradictions of feminism By Bruce Walker How is it possible to claim to be a feminist and a Leftist? Recent comments about the very genuine misogyny of al-Qaida – those people who President Bush has rightly called simply "the enemy" – and the impact of American liberation upon the women of Afghanistan and of Iraq bring home just how surreal that branch of Leftism which calls itself "feminism" can be. Has any political figure in the last half century done more to advance the global cause of women's rights than President Bush? Forgetting monotonous rhetoric and girlish dreams of perfection, President Bush has done more actual good to help women around the globe – and promises to liberate almost a billion women in Islamic nations – than almost anyone in history. Moreover, the cultural disdain and abuse of women is so great that in the Islamic world men outnumber women by a significant degree. If our enemies triumphant, women would become a distinct minority of the world's population and would be politically, legally and economically serfs of men. Ironically, the overwhelming bulk of the cost of liberating women throughout the world is being paid for with the blood and the sweat and the courage of men who volunteer for the armed services. Special thanks should be given to those wonderful women who also serve their country, but eighty-five percent of all the troops in active service are men and all chose to serve, and their Commander-in-Chief is President Bush. This is only one of the contradictions of Leftist feminism. What we used to call feminism – a call for legal and political equality – was traditionally a movement of the Right, not the Left. Susan B. Anthony boasted of voting a straight Republican ticket. The men and women who supported equal rights were men and women who have been viewed by history as conservatives. Only when the emphasis move from equality to interest politics did feminism become anything remotely resembling the Left. This pseudo-Feminism finds odd company in the gaggle of power-hungry goons on the Left. Ecologists and animal rights activists, for example, are directly in opposition to feminists. The salient fact of animal behavior is that males and females have different roles, different abilities and different mentalities. Left alone, the male and female of a species will behave very differently and these differences, ecologists would tell us, are natural and good. How compatible is this with feminism? It is not, of course. Men and women are naturally different. Women do better in some areas than men and worse in some areas than men. These differences are consistent with animal behavior. Only an idiot or a Leftist could think otherwise. Affirmative action based upon race also runs directly against affirmative action based upon gender. Whatever one thinks about the merits of either form of affirmative action, the practical consequence of allotting slots for minorities is that it reduces the number of slots for women. Indeed, it insures that some men will be favored over some women for reasons unrelated to merit. Likewise, a heavy majority of illegal immigrants from Mexico are men. The Leftist knee jerk reaction against enforcing our immigration laws (along with the inevitable screech of "racism!" that accompanies any effort to enforce our borders) dilutes the economic power of women in America and – to the extent that these illegal aliens vote – the political power of women. If the influx of illegal immigrants continues to grow and if those immigrants end up with the vote, women could become a political minority of the American population. Yet where are feminists on the issue of immigration? Both of those instances – affirmative action and illegal immigration – highlight the fundamental problem with feminism and all other varieties of Leftism (or, more properly, as I call it in my book, Sinisterism.) The marauding and murderous tribes of Sinisterism of interest politics are to government what the Mongols where to war: they fight for a finite amount of booty, and when that runs low, they fight among themselves for booty. Feminists have only one agenda and that is their individual and private power. They are utterly indifferent to the fate of women generally, to the cause of truth or consistency, or to the future status of women in America or in the world. All feminists are like Hillary: personal tyrants seeking only private empires at the expense of everyone else. Small wonder that such a mafia would have no seed of truth and would find the notion of contradictions a mystery. Bruce Walker has been a published author in print and in electronic media since 1990. He is a contributing editor to Enter Stage Right and a regular contributor to Conservative Truth, American Daily, Intellectual Conservative, Web Commentary, NewsByUs and Men's News Daily. His first book, Sinisterism: Secular Religion of the Lie by Outskirts Press was published in January 2006.