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Declare that a state of war exists

By Bruce Walker
web posted October 23, 2006

Kim Jong IlThe answer to the problem of Kim Jong Il is easy, but the political will seems hard.  America has not threatened North Korea in more than fifty years.  Our trip-line troop presence is merely to insure that if South Korea is invaded, America will defend her.  Three great powers – China, Russia and Japan – each either share a border with North Korea or are across a small sea from North Korea.  Yet Kim Jong Il is not only threatening South Korea and Japan, but trying hard to build missiles that can incinerate Seattle or San Francisco.

Our nation is peculiarly and directly threatened by a corrupt, insane and dangerous god-ruler of a nation which may soon be able to blackmail us into anything.  U.S. President George W. Bush should call Congress into special session and ask for a declaration of war against North Korea.  Force, now, each member of Congress to go on record as authorizing constitutionally President Bush to do whatever it takes to end the reign of evil.

Would a declaration of war mean combat?  It need not.  North Korea, now, has virtually no way to harm America, except by attacking South Korea to get at American troops there.  Our homeland is untouchable to Kim Jong Il.  He cannot interfere with our trade.  He has not resources we need or want.  He and his slave armies could do precisely nothing after our declaration of war against his nation.

What could America do?  Whatever we wish, basically.  We would have command of the air, command of the sea, command of outer space.  We could choose to do nothing at all or we could choose to strike his tortured nation's assets at a time and a place of our choosing.  If Kim Jong Il decided to have a military parade down the streets of Pyongyang, America could, without putting a single American serviceman at risk, utterly destroy the entire North Korean military on parade.  We could systematically destroy all air defenses, naval assets and army bases in North Korea and we could do so with impunity.

We could unilaterally impose a total embargo on all goods entering and leaving North Korea and enforce it by military strikes within North Korea.  We could one by one destroy all the government buildings in North Korea.  We could do all that and much more.  We could liberate some of the slave labor camps and provide the families there with food, medical supplies, weapons and air support.  We could carpet North Korea with leaflets mocking Kim Jong Il, making him lose face in the eyes of his slaves.  We could interrupt all communication between Kim Jong Il and his people.  We could announce that he was dead and then select a dozen different new rulers of the slave state.

The point is not what we actually would do, but what we theoretically could do, at any time.  If we were at war with North Korea, then information about whether we were planning a Normandy style D-Day (or an Inchon style surprise attack) would be a secret whose revelation would be treason and should be punished as a capital offense.  President Bush could, and should, impose military censorship until the war was over.

What would Congress do if President Bush called it into special session for the purpose of declaring war on North Korea?  He could point out that Kim Jong Il has already said that the meek, milquetoast sanctions imposed on North Korea constitute a state of war.  President Bush could recall that after Japan attacked Pearl Harbor that President Roosevelt called Congress not precisely to declare war on Japan, but rather to declare that since the undeclared attack on Pearl Harbor that "I ask that Congress declare that since the unprovoked and dastardly attack by Japan on Sunday, December seventh, that a state of war has existed between the United States and the Japanese Empire."  Before that, in his brief speech, Roosevelt lists all the acts of treachery against our nation by Japan.  Surely we have the same list of lies, broken promises, and unprovoked threats by North Korea – all that we have not suffered is the incineration of one of our cities. 

President Bush has been hammered by not acting unilaterally with North Korea and by insisting that America act with other concerned parties.  Here is the perfect opportunity to undertake true unilateralism.  Kim Jong Il is a Barbary Pirate of the sort that the old nations of the old Eastern Hemisphere were afraid to tackle.  He cannot harm us at all now, but we can certainly harm him. 

And who, precisely, is going to defend him politically in America?  Who is going to vote against a declaration that a state of war exists between the United States and the "Empire of North Korea"?  Who, in America, is going to defend the overlord of that vast Auschwitz which is called North Korea?  What if the debate over the next three weeks was about how truly evil Kim Jong Il is?  What if the debate was about how dangerous he was to the world?  What if the debate was between those who had a clear plan to end his reign of terror, even if the result is to have North Korea formally incorporated into the Communist Chinese Empire and those who could speak only of the "failures of the Bush policies" (but who had no policies of their own)?  What if senators and congressmen had to go on record next week to declare that a state of war exists or does not exist between our nation and an evil madman who insists that he is at war with us?  ESR

Bruce Walker has been a published author in print and in electronic media since 1990.  He is a contributing editor to Enter Stage Right and a regular contributor to Conservative Truth, American Daily, Intellectual Conservative, Web Commentary, NewsByUs and Men's News Daily. His first book, Sinisterism: Secular Religion of the Lie by Outskirts Press was published in January 2006.




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