Lingua publica web posted October 23, 2006 "If voters are unhappy with Republicans, it's because the party hasn't lived up to its own principles... A few Supreme Court appointments and tax cuts aside, Republicans have largely abandoned the reform agenda that swept them to power in 1994. Their zeal has instead been directed at retaining power, which explains the earmarking epidemic and the Abramoff corruption that followed. Reform of Medicare and Social Security, the death tax, immigration, health care -- all fell off the map." -- Kim Strassel "The problem for Republicans is that they seem to have run out of ideas. They now ask for votes on two levels, neither of which is appealing. The first is that the Democrats would do a worse job than Republicans, which is like choosing which of two ugly sisters to take on a date. The second is they crave power for its own sake. Republicans have failed to give voters sufficient reason to vote for them, except for one that trumps all the rest -- they can better defend the country." -- Cal Thomas "That's the ticket. Give [North Korea] the respect they crave, find the magic combination of carrots and sticks -- which is what most of that country relies on for supper, after all -- and they wouldn't be acting out. Iran's state-run radio said as much: ‘Not only did the United States not lift the sanctions it had imposed on North Korea, it even increased the diplomatic pressure. Such pressure finally led North Korea to conduct its nuclear test.' Poor dears, under such beastly stress." -- James Lileks "Bill Clinton came out in support of the estate tax last week. Clinton said that some people think he should leave all his money to his daughter when he's gone, but he doesn't think he should. He said he should spend it now on other people's daughters when he's still alive." -- Jay Leno web posted October 16, 2006 "Small-government conservatives are ready to conclude that their attempt to curb Washington's appetite through a majority that was supposed to be ideologically congenial -- that is, entirely Republican -- has failed... Who knows? A time in the wilderness may give the GOP a chance to come up with an agenda other than self-preservation." -- W. James Antle III "For all of their promises to do a better job of fighting this war, Democrats have no plan, other than retreat. That is the plan the terrorists have for us." -- Cal Thomas "News on the economy and job front tonight, it's a bit of a mixed picture. While the U.S. job market grew by only 51,000 jobs across the whole country last month, the previous two months were revised upward, and the unemployment rate did tick down a notch to 4.6 percent." -- NBC's Brian Williams spinning good news as bad news "I do [think Bill Clinton was a great president]. I think -- I have a lot of problems with some of his, his, his personal issues. I said at the time, ‘I think he's been a great leader, but I don't want my daughter near him'." -- Missouri Senate candidate Claire McCaskill "Obviously, I don't like to see nuclear proliferation, and I'm very upset about [the test]." -- Ted Turner, formerly "absolutely convinced that the North Koreans are absolutely sincere" about not developing nuclear weapons "With 29 days until the election, evil mastermind Karl Rove has arranged for a distraction from the Democrats' positive agenda of protecting America's boys from perverted Republican electronic messages. North Korea ‘announced it had detonated an atomic weapon in an underground test,' the Associated Press reports. As Mark Foley might say, you can't hug a child with nuclear arms." -- James Taranto web posted October 9, 2006 "It was a stunning, blatant confession... that as President, Mr. Clinton sanctioned the assassination of Osama bin Laden. To put this little piece of braggadocio in context it should be noted that no other American Head of State -- sitting or former - has ever before admitted to such a serious violation of law. Though assassination is specifically forbidden as a course of action open to U.S. officials -- including Presidents -- no one seems to have taken notice -- perhaps because they were so caught up with the theater of what was happening on the screen -- and not listening to the words being said." -- Oliver North "We're in a war. Something always goes wrong in a war, and our military leaders have made mistakes in Iraq. But quitting and leaving would amount to defeat for the U.S. in the global war on terrorism and create chaos. Quitters never win. Here's the problem: America needs two strong, sound political parties. As far as domestic policy is concerned, it really doesn't make much difference if Democrats or Republicans are in power. Ours is a free, entrepreneurial society where anyone can do anything he or she wants if they have a positive attitude and the desire to work, learn and achieve. Ambitious people come from all over the world to take advantage of this tremendous opportunity. This is one reason our economy is so resilient, continually bouncing back from periodic setbacks, driven by new inventions and achievements. However, when it comes to which party has proved more capable in acting to defend and protect Americans from foreign enemies, there is only one choice. From Johnson to Carter to Clinton, virtually all the defense policies and decisions made by Democratic administrations have been unsuccessful. And in many cases, they have unintentionally but materially increased the danger to our national security and the safety of all Americans." -- Investor's Business Daily "You just gotta make the judgment... which I'm pretty much feeling, I'm saying that I have something to say, I have some unfinished business from the last round, I don't like what they did, I don't like how they framed it, and I don't like what they're doing for the country today, and I think we can do better." -- John Kerry "Let me be the first to welcome Chris Wallace to the Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy! If the son of Mike Wallace is a member, can Chelsea be far behind?" -- Ann Coulter "Al Gore says that smoking is a major factor in global warming. Cigarettes are a major factor. Unfortunately when Al Gore gives a speech most people leave the room for a cigarette." -- Jay Leno web posted October 2, 2006 "[S]ervicemen who've made the ultimate sacrifice... volunteered to do a dangerous job, knowing that it might cost them their lives. They deserve to be remembered as heroes, not victims like the civilians who were murdered on 9/11." -- James Taranto "I got closer to killing [Osama bin Laden] than anybody's gotten since... That's the difference in me and some, including all of the right-wingers who are attacking me now. They ridiculed me for trying. They had eight months to try, they did not try... You did Fox's bidding on this show. You did your nice little conservative hit job on me... You [sic] got that little smirk on your face; you think you're so clever." -- Bill Clinton "The former President seems to be able to deny facts with impunity. Bin Laden is alive today because Mr. Clinton, Mr. Sandy Berger, and Mr. Richard Clarke refused to kill him." -- CBS News analyst Michael Scheuer "The practice of politics is a peculiar form of juvenile delinquency." -- former House Majority Leader Dick Armey "[Alan Dershowitz] thinks Iran should be expelled from the United Nations. Yeah, right. There's more chance of the Twelfth Imam eloping with Paris Hilton." -- Mark Steyn "The leader of Hezbollah appeared in public today for the first time since the cease-fire with Israel. He told the Lebanese people, "I feel your pain." You know, that's Bill Clinton's line. You can't call us the ‘Great Satan' and then steal all of our president's lines." -- Jay Leno "In the previous administration, we had an attack on the World Trade Center, on Khobar Towers. We had attacks on both embassies in Kenya and Tanzania, an attack on the USS Cole. Also, Osama bin Laden in February of 1998 made it clear that he not only intended to wage war on the United States, but he wanted to use Iraq as a central battleground. In short, there was a gathering threat. In those years, bin Laden noticed that the United States had, in fact, been cutting back dramatically on intelligence assets and on military assets." -- White House Press Secretary Tony Snow "There's nothing wrong with getting angry if you're right, as Chris Matthews put it. But when Clinton went after Wallace, he inadvertently allowed his mask to slip. America got a glimpse not just of a former president who feels mischaracterized, but of a man filled with contempt for the lesser mortals who would seek to undo him. His inner Gollum was visible beneath a roiling rage... Experience tells us, too, that manipulators are always contemptuous of those they manipulate... Clinton's marmish scolding of Wallace was a telling moment, much like another time he wagged his finger on television." -- columnist Kathleen Parker "So where did that poise go as Mr. Wallace asked a thoroughly mannerly question about the Clinton anti-terror record? The answer is revealed in the first words out of his presidential mouth. ‘First I want to talk about the context in which this arises. I'm being asked this on the Fox Network.' Huh? How in the world does that matter? Is there something otherworldly about fielding a question from someone who might not share your politics? Ask Ronald Reagan or either President Bush about any interview conducted over the years by CNN, ABC, CBS or NBC, to say nothing of the agenda-setting major newspapers. Can you imagine a Republican president angrily obsessing about the questioner to the questioner's face before attempting an answer?" -- Dallas Morning News columnist Mark Davis |
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