The Rainbow Jihad takes another school systemBy Greg Strange Montgomery County, Maryland: Can anything good proceed from this accursed progressive principality or is it damned forever? The most populous county in the state, it leans far left, has for decades and routinely makes the news for some kind of outlandishness, if not outright malevolence. I remember once writing an article about something that occurred there 20 or 25 years ago. People were watching porn on the computers at the public libraries and when others complained, you know what was done about it? Was it to shut down the porn-watching on government computers in the public libraries, like any rational authority would have done? Of course not. Their solution was privacy screens for the porn watchers! See, that way the uptight prudes would no longer be able to see the action on the screen, so they would have nothing to complain about. Problem solved and the library licentiousness continued apace. Have things gotten any better in Montgomery County since then? If you ask the leftists who run the place, their answer would be, indubitably, yes, it’s gotten even more progressive. One thing’s for sure. The county is absolutely busting with “pride,” so you can probably see where this is going. So, here’s some recent news from the county. According to internal data from school counselor forms, there has been a 582% increase in the number of school students who identify as “gender nonconforming,” and in a mere two-year timespan. That is staggering, astonishing, mind-blowing and earth-shaking! And by the way, according to those forms that students filled out, most of the parents of the gender nonconforming are supportive of it, which is to say, they are unconscionable dupes complicit in the destruction of their own children. It therefore seems appropriate to officially proclaim Montgomery County a principality of darkness with Satan as its ruler. Wow! You go, MoCo! This county appears to be as demonically possessed as Linda Blair in “The Exorcist” and the 582% increase is the equivalent of her head doing a 360 on top of her shoulders while spewing projectile vomit. All it took was two years for the rainbow jihad to take down thousands of years of civilizational normalcy and stability. Actually, there were decades of laying the groundwork, but now it’s accelerating exponentially, achieving hyper-LGBTQ speed such that everything that once was, can now potentially be destroyed in a flash. So, as quickly as a rainbow can appear in the sky after a passing summer squall, the rainbow jihad can get its hooks on your kid in the Montgomery County school system and turn him into a gender nonconforming freak. After this 582% increase, the proportion of students in this hapless school district who are “gender nonconforming” now stands at 45 percent. That means that nearly half of the student body has been totally confused and senselessly deprived of normal human existence. The question for this county, and the rest of our country, is, what could have possibly caused this to happen? Was it because of a recently achieved state of enlightenment, during which otherwise know-nothing children suddenly realized – in contrast to all other humans who lived before them – that sex and gender can be chosen like cafeteria menu items? Or . . . Or was it the result of incessant, depraved, godless rainbow propaganda aimed at impressionable children in the Montgomery County school system? Bingo! But again, how is it possible that it has come to this? How could it be that the people charged with educating children would sexualize and pervert them and then call anyone a bigot for not going along with it? Well, in a nutshell, because of the fallen state of man, once you agree to be tolerant of sin and perversion in a spirit of “live and let live,” that sin and perversion will flourish, multiply and ultimately metastasize. That’s where we are now, drowning in depravity that would have been inconceivable to previous generations. And here’s the kicker: every institution in the country supports and promotes this destructive demonic depravity. So how on earth do you begin to fight it? Of course, it has to be fought at the local level, one school system at a time if necessary. But that always results in a barrage of insults and accusations against the parents who are rightfully trying to protect their children from forced alphabet corruption. But at least in some instances there might be a way to use the crazed intersectionality of the left against it to your advantage. For instance, in the crazy quilt of competing privileged victim groups that constitutes intersectionality, you find a group that hates sexual depravity but is itself mostly immune from criticism. You then pit that group against the alphabet people and see who wins. Case in point: At a recent school board meeting in heavily Muslim-populated Dearborn, Michigan, an inevitable clash occurred. As many will know, Islam isn’t down with the rainbow jihad and it makes no apologies for that. So, at that meeting Muslim parents made their feelings known in no uncertain terms in yet another school system that was busily going about its destructive project of sexualizing and perverting as many children as possible. Here’s a few excerpts from just one of the objectionable books in question: This Book Is Gay: “We all want to have sex with loads of people.” “The prostate gland feels amazing when massaged.” “Let’s talk about dildos . . .” Okay, enough already. Muslim parents, like any rational parents, don’t want such pornography in their children’s schools. But oblivious to any reasonable request for the schools to maintain some semblance of decency by not having such books around, there was alphabet pushback at that meeting. As would be expected, they tried to milk their intersectional victim status and even pathetically compared the parents’ protest to “what Hitler did.” So, who’s going to win here? Stay tuned . . . But it’s doubtful that our woke attorney general is going to declare Muslim parents “domestic terrorists” like he did those parents in Virginia. And it’s doubtful there’s going to be any over-the-top, predawn raids of Muslim homes by jackbooted FBI goons. That's what they do to Christian, hymn-singing anti-abortion protestors, but not Muslims, not on your life. Is it possible that the followers of Allah, more than the followers of Christ, could be more efficient in this fight because of their intersectional unassailability? A few years ago, I would have said the Muslims win, hands down, but now I’m not certain. The alphabet people and their perversities are now so exalted, and their arrogance so colossal, and their grip on the throat of our culture so unyielding, I just don’t know. In districts with heavy Muslim populations, they may very well win out but still be unable to spearhead a national campaign against the alphabet infidels. Nonetheless, in such districts, Christians and any others who care about their children should team up with Muslim parents to fight this evil, using what is hopefully the Muslims’ intersectional status as cover. If it works, who knows where it might lead on a national scale? It’s certainly worth a try. This is a spiritual battle and Montgomery County, along with much of America, is given over to the dark side. Everything is at stake; it is civilization vs. nihilism. If this generation of young people is lost to this soul-destroying evil that hates all normalcy, decency, stability, biological science and reality itself, we’re done. It will create nothing but twisted self-absorption and dysfunctionality. This generation won’t know up from down and will be rendered incapable of transmitting values to the next that would ensure stability, prosperity or even rationality and common sense. It should be fought in any and all ways possible, including through otherwise unlikely alliances. Greg Strange can be reached at (c) 2022 Greg Strange.