Ravishing light
By Michael Moriarty
web posted November 15, 2005
"I am well aware of the toil and blood and treasure it will cost us to maintain this Declaration, and support and defend these states. Yet through all the gloom I see the rays of ravishing light and glory. I can see that the end is worth all the means." – John Adams
"The end is worth all the means…" Yes. Those words instantly bring to mind this quote's antithesis, the words of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin: "Any means to an end."
Then arise the words of Barry Goldwater: "Moderation in the defense of liberty is no virtue."
I also see the rays of ravishing light and glory through the gloom. What would I, as President of the United States, bring to the table of a world that is suffocating under a pyramid of black light, an airless void cast upon it by the soul of Mao Zedong and his profound effect upon the nature of the so-called New World Order? The "gloom" which President John Adams referred to, at the turn of the 19th century, is now, by comparison, the clouds of sporadic spring showers dropped on the Sawtooth Mountains of Idaho. At that time, President Adams was facing France's first, serpentine assault on America, that Empire's desire to engulf the "colonies" into a set of indentured servants of the French Revolution.
The American Revolution, in the eyes of the "enlightened" of Paris, was of no more use to the Directoire than helping France again embarrass the British Empire with an extradition order from its own colonies. After helping America kick the British out, France thought it would be only a matter of infiltrating the newly founded 13 states with agents-provocateurs and wearing them into submission.
President Adams is the most underrated commander-in-chief we've ever had. This virtual farmer-president saw through the wiles of France's citoyens and slapped an Alien and Seditions Act on them.
Weeding out French spies by the hundreds, Adams showed us how we can defend the United States from the full-court press of 21st-century enemies. The major problem is that this fraternité is now assembled under the Imperial leadership of former U.S. President Bill Clinton. Zut alors!
Two of the most eloquent spokesmen for this internationalist's idea that the French and American Revolutions can somehow be synthesized into a Third Way are the historians Gary Wills and David McCullough, author of a superb biography of John Adams.
Wills once wrote a piece entitled Why We Have No Right to Bear Arms for the ultra-left-wing magazine The Nation. It is no coincidence that French youth, without the right to bear arms, are now terrorizing France with every weapon of destruction at their disposal.
Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin and President Jacques Chirac are looking more helpless than George W. Bush did when confronted by Hurricane Katrina. France has supported the National Rifle Association's position: "It is not the arms themselves but who is bearing them and why."
McCullough, who greatly admires Adams, dislikes the Alien and Seditions Act. The Liberals' condemnation of it infers that today's American intelligentsia would have welcomed partnership in a French Empire from the outset. Puritanical America and its Judeo-Christian moorings set the only real New World remaining on earth off on the wrong foot.
Somewhere in the Liberal's wish fulfillment is the belief that a more Europeanized Enlightenment Policy would have been far better than the American Reality as we know it. Since Communism and its Matriarchal alter ego, Socialism, control the rest of the world, Liberals feel that their initial instincts about a Franco-American partnership would have been preferable and might certainly have expedited the progressive vision, which they have foreseen all along. They point to Confederation in Canada as a role model.
With the British Commonwealth now firmly trapped within Socialist Federations and their internationalist, "progressive" United Nations Third Way of avoiding nuclear holocaust and moving the human race into an increasingly scientific experiment, the English-speaking peoples aren't even remotely in touch with Judeo-Christian civilization. This, to the Clinton Global Initiative, is all for the better.
The seminal fertilization of the American spirit is the Declaration of Independence. The initial cry of the French Revolution was "liberté, égalité, fraternité!" Americans, on the other hand, proclaimed a set of priorities in which only liberty is shared with the dreams of the French. Ours are "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness." We did not claim ownership but endowment, an inheritance from our Creator, in whose eyes we are "all created equal."
The strident atheism proclaimed on Bastille Day and the anti-Christian act of beheading Louis XVI was, if anything, the delineation of the differences between France and America. The French drew the battle lines. In the U.S., the war of individual freedom was found in the "pursuit of happiness" versus the "fraternité" of what soon became the first commune (communist cell) of Paris. The U.S. definition of liberty is, without question, individual freedom under the Golden Rule, while France's idea of freedom is the inevitable submission to terrorists and anarchists that will alter the political and genetic evolution of the human race, eventually defeating individual freedom.
The American arm of what is now accepted as the Internationalist's Revolution is, without question, the enterprises now a-brewing within the Clinton Global Initiative.
So far as I can tell, the war is between two Prophets: Christ of the Light and Mao Zedong of the Black Light. Hovering within this disastrous benightedment of world leadership is what is left of Christ, the Holy Ghost and an authentic Catholic faith. Post-reformation Christianity, from Martin Luther to Liberation Theologists, has succumbed to the will of Mao Zedong. What faint admonitions the socialist wives of that deadly Buddha have thrown at the Red Chinese Politburo for "human rights infractions" are becoming more a cover-up of their total surrender than any sincere concerns and cries for simple, human decency.
So, with Adams' Alien and Seditions Act in mind and President Dwight D. Eisenhower's heroic intransigence during the Cold War, I plan to approach the Presidential Election in 2008 prepared to enact the following. For Red China and its newly aligned Russia, I offer a Second Cold War. For the Clinton Global Empire, I enact another Alien and Seditions Act.
It behooves America to live up to the Declaration of Independence and not down to the Supreme Court's opinion of what the United States should surrender to, such as the Maoist Population Control Policy as instituted by the Roe v. Wade decision.
With enough faith in the "ravishing light" of America, the moral high ground we maintained for over 200 years will be ours again. 
Michael Moriarty is a Golden Globe and Emmy Award-winning actor who has appeared in the landmark television series Law and Order, the mini-series Taken, and the TV-movie The 4400. He is now filming Pick Me Up, an episode of the Showtime TV series Masters of Horror, in Vancouver.

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