The Biblical thousand year peace By Michael Moriarty Over 20 years ago, I left America and came to live in Canada because of the Clinton Administration and their Attorney General, Janet Reno. Even then, in 1994, the Clinton Would-be Empire was shamelessly breaking the Law and Order of the American Constitution. The Eastern Seaboard and all of California were not only kneeling before this Godless Clinton Behemoth! Both were prepared to serve up what Ira Glasser of the American Civil Liberties Union promised me they would deliver: "You will be ostracized, Michael, for opposing the Clinton Attorney General's version of American law." Now, with the profoundly welcome and painfully overdue victory of Donald Trump in this year's Presidential race – his promise to "make America great again" – I read of many, many Americans in the entertainment business declaring that they would now rather live in Canada than have to endure living under a President Donald Trump! I don't particularly want them up here but, for as long as I can remember, all of North America has been the freest and most open continent in the history of this Earth and Her human race! Besides, we do have a profoundly pale version of Barack Obama as Prime Minister of Canada; and, as a Canadian Conservative, I hope the tenure of Justin Trudeau doesn't last much longer. With the promise of an American Renaissance now actually possible, do I wish to move back to New York again? No. After a recent discussion with my wife, Irene, I concluded that since New York City and New York State are, rather like the very Hollywood I used to work for, incurably, blindly and, in my 75-year-old's opinion, self-destructively and almost treasonously Liberal, why don't I fight the good fight up here in my adopted home of Canada? Here is a recent symbol of The Canadian Conservative Party's gratitude for my support: After the recent election returns, I doubt if I would be as rare a thing back in the United States as I am here in The Northern-most half of the North American Continent. I feel more needed up here. Besides?! I HAVE NEVER BEEN HAPPIER With Trump's victory down South?! My optimism for the entire human race and the future of human history has never, in my entire life, been higher!! The Holy Bible's Book of Revelations and its prophecies, following the inevitable battles between Judeo-Christians and Muslim-Marxists? Following Judeo-Christianity's inevitable defeat of a self-destructive contradiction-in-terms, the so-called Alliance of Islam and Communist Atheists?! Following that virtual Armageddon? A PEACE It is also said that Christ shall appear in, yes, "A Second Coming". I agree with that soul-changing prophecy. However! Our Lord shall be represented not by one man! The renewal of His Message shall be carried by millions of Christians and Jews throughout the entire human race. The remarkable feat of defeating the Devil? Ridding the Earth of most of the Devil's Evil! Or at least, driving such Godless philosophies into hiding! It will demand that the delusions of an Islamic Communism, a tyranny ruled by Muslim Marxists, one best personified by the recent and infinitely benighted Presidency of Barack Hussein Obama?! It will necessitate the victory of Judeo-Christianity as an almost invisible enemy! Islamic Communism won't be able to identify all the players in the Judeo-Christian Civilization it is trying to destroy! SUCH A MIRACLE I am a rogue and shamelessly lapsed Catholic whose God, in my shamelessly ecstatic opinion, is The Crucifix Itself! All the hypocritical trappings which the Vatican and, as they say, "Rome" has hung off of that virtual Face of God?! Celibacy in particular?! I condemn in, again, the most blissfully shameless terms. Yet The Crucifix?! IT IS, With such convictions of mine now euphorically declared?! With the undeniable renewal of Judeo-Christian values, in all of their infinite variety, so briefly yet unequivocally reaffirmed by the most recent election?! I rest my case. Michael Moriarty is a Golden Globe and Emmy Award-winning actor who starred in the landmark television series Law and Order from 1990 to 1994. His recent film and TV credits include The Yellow Wallpaper, 12 Hours to Live, Santa Baby and Deadly Skies. Contact Michael at He can be found on Twitter at