Inconvenient truths about the man-made global warming scam
By Dr. Robert Owens Experts said Arctic sea ice would melt entirely by September 2016 - they were wrong. Texas has been cooling since 1895, but that doesn’t suit NOAA’s global warming agenda. So they keep cooling the past further and further to create the appearance of a warming trend. The UN bans skeptical journalists from climate summit for holding views not particularly helpful. The Earth is heading towards another ice age as solar magnetic activity is set to drop by up to sixty per cent in the next fifteen years. Winters may be getting colder in the Northeast. The Weather Channel video uses young kids, scaring them about their lack of a future to promote global warming fears. Looking to the hypocrites who are perpetrating this scam we have our Secretary of State who never saw a Global Warming photo op he didn’t like. On one Trip to the Antarctic, Kerry produced as much CO2 as an average American does in one year. The whole Global Warming scam is nothing more than a power grab. The collectivists lost their homeland when that great gulag of nations the USSR imploded in 1991. Since then they have been trying to use the mythical man-made global warming campaign as a back door to world-wide power. Feeling that they have enough cover to state openly what is really going on the U.N.’s climate chief Christina Figueres candidly admitted that the organizers’ ultimate goal was “to change the [capitalist] economic development model that has been reigning for at least 150 years, since the Industrial Revolution.” Another U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) official, Ottmar Edenhofer confirmed the travesty of global warming treaties, “ . . . one has to free oneself from the illusion that international climate policy is environmental policy. Instead, climate change policy is about how we redistribute de facto the world’s wealth . . . ” As reported on the Deplorable Climate Science Blog site; NOAA claimed record heat in numerous locations is September in Africa and the Middle East. This is a remarkable feat, given that they don’t have any actual thermometers in those regions. In fact, NOAA doesn’t have any thermometers on about half of the land surface. Satellite temperatures showed that September was close to normal in those regions which NOAA declared to be record hot. Not only is the land data fake, but much of the ocean data is fake too. The global surface temperature record is garbage. This is the 21st century, and it needs to be replaced by satellite temperatures which show little or no warming this century. The climate bullies are afraid that Donald Trump is going to do what he said he was going to do, free America from the wealth draining insanity of man-made global warming reparations. Consequently at the recent giant carbon footprint that marks their latest confab in Marrakesh Morocco. In a statement, the ministers at the meeting said momentum for cutting greenhouse gases was "irreversible" and reaffirmed their commitment to "full implementation" of the Paris accord. They went on to say, "We call for the highest political commitment to combat climate change, as a matter of urgent priority," in the Marrakesh Action Proclamation. And, "Our climate is warming at an alarming and unprecedented rate and we have an urgent duty to respond.” After which the elite delegates applauded, joined hands above their heads in standing ovation after the proclamation was read out having one of their international kumbaya moments that always end up costing the American tax payer a fortune. This one is estimated at 100 billion, that’s, billion with a ‘b’ from both public and private sources, by 2020 to help developing countries. Sounds like income redistribution to me and I wonder if any of these climate collectivists will be riding to the airport in a wind powered limo or flying home in a solar powered jet? President Obama and the American Progressives have been willing conspirators in this attack on American sovereignty. They have negotiated treaties and signed accords which are designed to impoverish the US and transfer that wealth to the UN. Up until now the collectivists have had an easy path using this alternative approach to enslaving mankind. They have brainwashed generations to live in fear of man-made global warming though none has taken place since before most of them were born. They have had the Corporations Once Known as the Mainstream Media and their cable network step sisters blaring out their propaganda for decades. They have made major movies about the day after and other apocalyptic scenarios. They have recorded hit songs, staged protest rallies, and in general done everything they can to scare people into putting the noose around the neck of Western Civilization. Now we are living in the post-wave election world of 2016. President-elect Trump has promised to reverse the course. He has labeled man-made global warming for the scam it is and promised to free America from the mass of threads with which the Lilliputians have ensnared us. Trump has pledged to follow the GOP platform committee’s call for “ . . . an immediate halt to U.S. funding for the U.N.’s Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in accordance with the 1994 Foreign Relations Authorization Act.” What about that disaster waiting to be implemented: the Paris Climate Agreement? Since in his hubris President Obama never bothered to even try to have it ratified by the Senate as required by the Constitution, the newly invigorated Republican-controlled House and Senate can pass a law stating that it is null and void. And if that is too bold for the Ryan-led House or the McConnell-led Senate a President Trump, according to the agreement itself, can pull out of it by issuing a one-year notice. Trump has said he will have no part in funding a $100 billion annual U.N. pledge by then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton “to help poor countries adapt to global warming.” During the campaign the Republican presidential nominee told supporters at a Florida campaign, “We will also cancel billions in global warming payments to the United Nations, and use that money to support America’s vital environmental infrastructure and natural resources.” In his economic speech at the New York Economic Club he summed it all up, “We’re going to keep our money here and our jobs here and bring our jobs back.” One way to judge the reality of the man-made global warming scam has been pointed out by Rush Limbaugh for many years. If we decided we wanted to raise the temperature of the globe by one degree by 2020 what would we do? What program could we follow or what steps would be implemented to make this happen? Obviously all can see that this would be impossible. If we cannot raise the world’s temperature deliberately what a ridiculous thought that we could do it just by living in a modern word using electricity and driving cars. Another way of looking at the man-made global warming issue is to remember that our records only go back a few hundred years at most. The Earth is billions of years old. In the past there have been multiple ice ages and even a snowball Earth when the entire planet was frozen from pole to pole. Each of these multi-million year freeze events have been followed by warm periods. Where were the SUVs and smokestacks responsible for all that warming? For that matter how do we explain the cooling? I may be way out in right field here, but I believe that gigantic nuclear fusion explosion we revolve around that rises and sets every day of our lives might have more to do with global warming or cooling than anything anyone or all of us could ever do. Let’s get over ourselves and admit there is only One who can hold the world in His hand. There is only One who was there when the heavens were made and the limit was set for the sea. There is only One who knows the end from the beginning. And there is only One who controls the thermostat for this planet and it isn’t us. Dr. Robert Owens teaches History, Political Science, and Religion. He is the Historian of the Future @ © 2016 Contact Dr. Owens Follow Dr. Robert Owens on Facebook or Twitter @ Drrobertowens / Edited by Dr. Rosalie Owens