Lessons from Professor Gore By Charles A. Morse Thinking about former Vice President Al Gore is depressing enough, however, an examination of his recent lectures at the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism provide an instructive glimpse into the mind of this censorious, authoritarian oriented leftist. His first journalism class was, oxymoronically, "off the record". The future journalists were banned from writing about the class or speaking to the media. Not very "democratic," but excusable, to a degree, given the media attention that the failed Democrat Presidential candidate presently generates. His second class, however, bears special scrutiny. Gore aide and student liaison Philippe Reins told students going in to this class to prepare to critique "the complex issue" of global warming. Reins, speaking for Gore, instructed students that "the vast majority of the world's scientists have concluded that human beings are influencing global climate patterns in ways that portend changes in the global climate system more disruptive than any seen in the last 10,000 years." Gore would build all discourse and debate on this unproven and alarming premise.
Gore, the author of the pink eco-tome "Earth in the Balance" asked students to read several global warming treatises including "Scientists Issue Dire Prediction on Warming" and "Climate Panel Reaffirms Major Warming Threat." Also included in the syllabus was a piece that questioned the "doom and gloom" of those who dared question the global warming orthodoxy. In Gore's fecund mind it's "doom and gloom" to question doom and gloom. Reins, Gore's spokesmen, criticized this questioning piece as "an example of biased journalism." Those who dissent from the theory, and it is a theory, of global warming are smeared as biased. Those who unquestioningly lend support are praised as scientific. Among the prep questions supplied to the students, the following is an example of the authoritarian mind in action: "Is it your view that scientists who are in the minority on this issue and who remain unconvinced about the seriousness of the climate change problem should be given space in any and all coverage on this issue?" Scientific research, by definition, should consider all qualified opinions and evidence when attempting to devise a theorem. Gore, not a scientist, typifies the type of politician who starts out with a proscribed answer and simultaneously insures that the only questions asked are those re-enforcing that answer. Students reported that Gore suggested that it was "a cop-out for journalists to include skeptical views in reports about global warming." Gore stated that "journalists give credit to discredited ideas in the name of balance." As an example, he asked the students: "Is it necessary to include someone questioning whether HIV produces AIDS, even though some still say it doesn't?" Science and common sense would dictate that yes, someone who contradicted conventional thinking on AIDS should be included in the debate, depending on their qualifications and the quality of their evidence. Clearly, science and common sense are not driving Al Gore. Why is the leftist establishment that Gore aptly epitomizes so hell bent on "proving" global warming? The answer lies in the authoritarian faith of the Gore's of the world. A perception of impending environmental disaster provides the proper emotional atmosphere for the authoritarian clique to make their case for surrendering an economic standard of living, private property rights, and national sovereignty. Out of fear, citizens will surrender portions of their rights to, you guessed it, the Gores of this world. Whether or not global warming actually exists is a profoundly important issue in and of itself and it deserves an impartial study, not what it has received, which is half-truths, propaganda, and out right lies. Professor Gore's lecture sheds light on the sorry and pathetic state
of mainstream journalism today. Rather than advocating impartiality and
an honest, vigorous ferreting out of truth, regardless of where that truth
may lead, Gore wants journalists to be stooges of the established political
agenda. To Gore, the journalist produces propaganda useful to the powers
that be. Gore, by calling the opponent of established wisdom "biased",
is sending a not so subtle message to the young aspiring journalist attending
his lecture. You'd better get with the program or you're not going to
get anywhere in this business. Chuck Morse is the author of Thunder out of Boston which you can buy at Amazon.com. Order The Satanic Gasses by Patrick J. Michaels and Robert C. Balling in paperback for $8.76 here, or in hardcover for $15.96 here Other related articles:
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