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Israel should demand unconditional surrender

By Charles A. Morse
web posted June 25, 2001

The endless arguments, going back over 50 years, concerning the sovereignty of Israel and the political status of the Palestinian Arabs, have been played out, ad nausea, and at this point must stop if Israel is to survive. Israel must sweep aside the sophistries and parlor discourse and, at long last, begin to act like a sane sovereign nation. Discussion over a Palestinian state within the confines of Israel has borne bitter fruit and must end. In the interest of protecting the life, property, and future well being of its citizens, Israel must stop these insane delusions. By acting, Israel will also, paradoxically, be protecting the lives and property of its Arab residents from an increasingly fascistic Palestinian movement backed by international Jew haters.

Israel must rip the proverbial band-aid off the arm and the sooner the better. The pain will be sharp, but then it will be over. To deal with the present crisis, Israel must re-occupy all of the West Bank and Gaza. They must arrest and either detain or deport any known terrorists. They must deport any Palestinian Authority official who is not willing to swear a loyalty oath. They must disarm the Palestinian security forces. Martial law must be immediately imposed on the area as a necessary means of restoring order.

Once the operation has been completed, and after a cooling off period, local autonomy should be developed under friendly Palestinian leadership. Generous terms and financial assistance should be offered to Palestinians who seek to re-develop an economic infrastructure that has been virtually destroyed by the present uprising. Long-term investment in the region should commence. Subversive and anti-Jewish language should be banned and perpetrators punished. Arabs engaging in acts of violence should be treated no different than Jews would be if they committed the same acts. Equal justice under the law.

Jews are being exterminated for being Jews. This is occurring over fifty years after Hitler and in Israel no less. The Palestinian leadership, egged on by the elites of the international left, has proven to be no different than the Nazis. Their propaganda and actions are virtually identical. Israel has nothing to explain to a "world community" that stood by and did nothing during the Holocaust and continues to do nothing today other than complain, whenever Jews are exterminated, about threats to the "peace process."

The Oslo accords provided the Palestinians with the best possible framework for creating a Palestinian state within Israel. Most Israeli's had come to accept this and, in fact, supported the establishment of a successful and peaceful Palestinian State on the West Bank and Gaza. The government of Ehud Barak went to unprecedented lengths to accommodate this goal. His offers were met with gunfire and suicide bombers.

Israel must seize the initiative now and not wait until more Jewish children or Holocaust survivors, God forbid, are blown up. The policy of the Palestinian leadership has been to offer "peace" as long as Israel is surrendering, and to offer terror when the process of surrender is too slow. This policy has not changed and, no doubt, terrorists are waiting in the wings. This is not a matter of speculation.

By acting in it's own interests, Israel would be, at long last, creating peace in the region in the real meaning of the word. A strong, rational Israel is respected, albeit grudgingly, by the Arab countries. By striking a blow against terrorism, Israel will be setting an example for the nations of the world. For this reason, most people would, most likely, suspend native notions of Jew hatred and support Israel's actions. Too bad if they don't, Israel, actually, has no choice.

Chuck Morse is the author of "Why I'm a Right-Wing Extremist" which is due to be released in September.

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