Property owners concerned about USA-PATRIOT
By Steve Lilienthal
web posted December 22, 2003
While talking to Dorothy Bartholomew lasy week, she mentioned that she would
see Senator Craig Thomas that afternoon.
She said, "I intend to ask him why his name isn't on any bills" that
would rewrite the USA-PATRIOT Act.
Dorothy Bartholomew is one of the growing number of activists in causes
that the news media tends to label as conservative who are concerned about
the PATRIOT Act and the potential for its powers to be used -- not against
terrorists -- but against American citizens.
She is President of Wyoming People for the USA, a property rights organization
with approximately 500 members, and Secretary of People for Wyoming, a group
with a similar mission.
In Dorothy's mind, our Constitutional liberties, including property rights
are the very foundation of American freedom. Unfortunately, our freedoms
have been diminished over time by the regulations and laws emanating from
Indeed, she says, "I worry when Congress is in session" given
that the reach of the Federal Government is almost sure to be expanded.
Wyoming People for the USA tussled with Secretary of the Interior Bruce
Babbitt during the end of the Clinton Administration over the Jack Morrow
Hills (also known as the Red Desert). Wyoming People for the USA want the
land and its minerals kept free for use that benefits the citizenry; selfish
environmental interests want the land and its minerals locked up, unavailable
for the benefit of society.
"We went to the airport to protest his visit," she recalled about
a Babbitt visit to the state when the controversy was just coming to a boil.
Bartholomew's knowledge that the last has not been heard over what will
happen to the Jack Morrow Hills leads her to worry about the PATRIOT Act,
particularly its expansive definition of domestic terrorism in which any
violation of federal or state criminal laws -- including misdemeanors --
can be interpreted as domestic terrorism. She is also concerned about the
Section 215 record searches in which the third party holding the records
cannot notify the people whose names and personal information have been provided
to the Federal Government.
"It may not be this Administration, but what if it's done by the next," she
says about the use of its powers to crack down on aggressive advocacy groups. "It
could happen to any organization that's vocal and stands up on any issue."
What worries Mrs. Bartholomew is that too many people are unquestioning
about the powers of the PATRIOT Act. Too many people are unwilling to delve
deeper than the sound bite or the headline. Because she lives in Wyoming,
a state as strongly conservative as it is Republican, there is a feeling
among many of her fellow citizens that because it was put on the books by
a Republican administration that it must be a good law.
Mrs. Bartholomew is no fan of the PATRIOT Act; not because she is unpatriotic
but because she believes laws that are rushed through Congress in the heat
of the moment are well thought out or even needed.
This realpolitick view was on exhibit recently when the Fremont County Board
of Commissioners considered a resolution to repeal the PATRIOT Act. The Commissioners
decided that they could not support such a measure. But they decided they
could endorse one that called for revisions of the Act.
"We'll take what we can get," agreed Mrs. Bartholomew.
The lesson being learned in Wyoming can also be applied to the national
Many activists want the PATRIOT Act to be ripped up, which appears to be
politically unrealistic given the wishes of Congress and the Administration.
But that is no reason not for committed political activists to push for
prudent reform measures.
The Security and Freedom Enhanced Act (SAFE Act) sponsored by Senators Larry
Craig (R-ID), John Sununu (R-NH), Mike Crapo (R-NH), Jeff Bingaman (D-NM),
Ron Wyden (D-OR), Russell Feingold (D-WI) and Richard Durbin (D-IL) is one
such measure. (U.S. Rep. C.L. "Butch" Otter, Republican of Idaho,
is the sponsor of a companion bill in the House.) The SAFE Act ensures greater
accountability and oversight of the PATRIOT powers to make sure federal law
enforcement will not overstep its bounds while guaranteeing that prosecutors
and agents will have the tools they need to take on terrorists.
Dorothy Bartholomew continues in her effort to promote property rights
and to speak up for reform of the PATRIOT Act.
"Most people that I talk to concerning the 'Act'," she says, "are
afraid to speak up about it. They don't want to get 'on someone's list.'
It's a pretty sad state of affairs when someone is afraid to speak out."
This reluctance of many Americans to speak out in defense of their freedoms
makes Dorothy wonder about the future of this country and its citizens.
Dorothy wonders: Will my grandchildren enjoy the same freedoms that I do?
She knows the answer: Not unless folks start speaking up.
Therefore, Dorothy Bartholomew is enlisted in the fight to make sure the
terrorists do not win their greatest victory by forcing us to relinquish
our freedom. 
Steve Lilienthal is Director of the Center for Privacy and Technology Policy.

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