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Who are we?

By Dr. Robert Owens
web posted June 19, 2023  

Who can ever know us better than we know ourselves?  Obviously, the answer is no one.  Yet most people spend much of their life in frustrating attempts to figure it out.  We're like a man who looks into a mirror and as soon as he walks away forgets what he looks like. 

I have that experience in an outward way daily as my inner man who feels like he's in his mid-thirties remembers that outwardly I appear for some reason to be in my late sixties.   

I've heard people say that life can be confusing because it doesn't come with an instruction manual.  I always feel bad for these people because they haven't discovered there is a set of instructions for being a human being on the planet Earth.  It's called the Bible and it's a really good book. 

If we ever conclude that this one book was in fact inspired by God in a literal sense, that its words are a God breathed revelation written and preserved through thousands of years just so that we can learn the meaning of life, the universe, and everything and no, it isn't 42.  It can change our life.  At least I know it did for me. 

You see, I'm one of those radicals who believe to the deepest depths of my soul the Bible is God's Word for humanity.  I have a simple belief … God said it … I believe it … that's it. 

This life changing revelation teaches us God created a perfect world.  Man was given the keys to the kingdom and made God's overseer.  We turned away from God and gave the keys to the Devil.  God is a just God.  He wanted us to have dominion over his creation but we gave it away so He couldn't just take it from the one we'd given it to and give it back to us. 

Imagine our Daddy bought us a brand-new car.  He wanted us to have the car.  He wanted us to enjoy the car.  He gave us the keys and the title.  It's our car.  Then we give the car to someone else.  That isn't who Daddy wanted to have the car, but we gave it this other person.  We gave them the keys and signed the title over to them.  Now it's their car.  It was a legal transaction so it wouldn't be fair or just if Daddy just took the car from that other person and gave it back to us. 

It's the same way with God's creation.  By turning our backs on God and following the devil we turned the whole thing over to our enemy and we became his slaves.  That's what original sin is all about.  We inherit the sin nature from our father Adam then each of us adds to the burden of sin on our own.  The sin from the first to the last has to be paid for if God is to return the title deed to creation back to humanity.  And the only way for that to happen was for someone to carry all that sin through a perfect life, pay the penalty for sin, which is physical and spiritual death, descend into hell, and take the keys back from the devil.  No human could ever do it because none of us has ever or could ever live a sinless life. 

God had to do it himself.  He became flesh.  He lived a sinless life.  His death on the cross was a physical and spiritual sacrificial substitution for all of us.  He went down into hell.  He took the keys away from the devil.  He rose from the dead.  He ascended into heaven.  And now as the new Adam of a new human race He declares any who believe in Him to be His children which means we can stand in the presence of God without any feelings of guilt or shame.  We are completely forgiven and made sinless because we are united with Jesus through faith.  When God looks at us He sees Jesus.  He gives us back the keys. 

That's it in a nutshell. 

Who are we?  We are who He says we are.  We're His children.  We're living stones built up into a spiritual temple where He himself dwells.  He says if we confess Jesus as Lord, acknowledge Him as the boss of our life and believe God raised Him from the dead we will be saved.  He doesn't say we might be saved.  He doesn't say we could be saved.  He says we WILL be saved.  Believe it.  Receive it.  Live it.  Walk out of this vale of tears and into the light of the Son of His love. 

So who are we?  You can be anyone you want to be.  As for me and my house we will follow the Lord … we will be who He says we are … His children. ESR

This is an excerpt from the book Hope by Dr. Robert Owens.  This and all his books are available from Amazon in paperback or kindle at Amazon.


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