Enter Stage Right is a non-profit journal published from Canada. Our name refers to the often pronounced theatrical nature of politics. As Frank Zappa once said, "Politics is the entertainment branch of industry." This journal promotes unfettered capitalism, liberty and individualism as expressed by thinkers like Ayn Rand and Aristotle. Our guiding principle is to present a more consistent approach to conservative thought by following through with what we feel are its expressed core principles. Our mission statement presents a brief view of those beliefs.
ESR originally began as a weekly Op-Ed piece beginning in the fall of 1993 and running until early 1997. The on-line version appeared on June 1, 1996. In June 2021 the web site celebrated its 25th year online and in 2023 ESR celebrated its 30th anniversary. ISSN 1488-1756 Stuff we like using when composing Enter Stage Right: Libre Office, Mozilla Thunderbird, Dreamweaver, GIMP, Librewolf browser, Filezilla ESR took longer than it should have this week because of sleep and the range Stuff that aided in this week's issue: working from bed and Radio Twente Gold Use of material from ESR: All material in Enter Stage Right is the property of its creators and as such may not be used without the permission of its creators. That said, we're not ogres, if you want to use something just ask. |