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A perfect example of the Progressive Hate Machine

By Frank Salvato
web posted July 7, 2014

I have long said, if you want to understand exactly who and what the Progressive Movement is, simply listen to what they espouse to hate. That is who and what they are. Frighteningly, it really is that easy. The movement that proclaims "tolerance," "inclusion," "acceptance," and "equality for all," is actually a movement that embraces intolerance, exclusion, opposition and oligarchic elitism. And no matter how much they espouse the former, their actions confirm the latter.

The Progressive Movement, which now controls not only the federal government and the government apparatuses in most of the failing, debt-ridden, deficit spending urban centers in the United States (and in many "enlightened" locales across the globe), but the education system and the mainstream media, is tolerant to only those who agree with their world view, include only those who will advance their cause, accept only those who tow the Progressive line ideologically and call for equality to apply for only those with which beg their favor. If you have an opposing viewpoint on culture, government or society, you are smeared, demonized, castigated and otherwise openly and veraciously hated.

So much for all that "hate crime" talk oozing out of the Progressive's collective "pie hole."

The Examiner reports:

"While speaking at the Texas Democratic Party convention in Dallas on Friday, state Rep.Trey Martinez Fischer told fellow Democrats that GOP doesn't stand for ‘Grand Old Party,' it stands for ‘gringos y otros pendejos.' In addition to the racist slur, Martinez Fischer's office handed out a set of six Lotería cards to delegates, one of which depicts a red-faced Abbott as ‘El Diablito.'

"A Google search found that other than the Houston Chronicle and a few other sites, the racist profanity..."

"Gringos y Otros Pendejos" is translated to mean "Gringos and Other A**holes". One needs only look back to the abundance of media coverage over the feigned outrage over a private and direct-to-target off-the-mic comment made by then Vice President Dick Cheney to Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-VT), in 2004 to palpate the hypocrisy of the Progressive Movement.

Mr. Fischer went on to defend his "hate speech":

"Martinez Fischer did not offer an apology and doubled down on his overheated rhetoric.

"‘I stand by my words,' he said. ‘I did not know Greg Abbott was at the convention to hear me, and if I had known that I would told him directly to his face.'"

It should be noted that if Mr. Fischer really wanted to repeat his "hate speech" to Mr. Abbott's face he would have had to sit down. Mr. Abbott is confined to a wheelchair. Abbott became a paraplegic when an oak tree fell on him while he was running following a storm in 1984.

Here we have a perfect example of true "hate speech." The statement has all the necessary components. It is meant to attack, to disparage, and to demean. It is racist and it is profane. Yet, aside from one mainstream media outlet that covered it "in passing," nary a word has been spoken or printed about it. Why is that you ask? Because the main stream media is held captive – held hostage – by the Progressive Movement. To wit, when a Progressive employs the Alinskyisms espoused in Rules for Radicals points five and thirteen, the ethics of the issue is moot.

Points five and thirteen state:

▪ No. 5: Ridicule is man's most potent weapon.

▪ No. 13: Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.

Alinsky provides an astounding level of moral relativism to absolve the "hate speaker" for this intolerant, non-inclusive, unaccepting and inequitable ethical dilemma by offering this bit of intellectual disingenuousness:

"The judgment of the ethics of means is dependent upon the political position of those sitting in judgment..."

"The morality of means depends upon whether the means is being employed at a time of imminent defeat or imminent victory."

And there you have just a taste of the convoluted justification behind the Progressive Movement's hypocrisy on the issue of hate and "hate speech." It would appear that advancing hate, smear and demagoguery is quite alright if you are in the Progressive Movement, and particularly if you are a Progressive politician. But if you are outside of the "protected" Progressive class, watch out! If you speak exactly as Progressives do and you are not protected you are a hater and should be silenced and punished.

It brings an entirely new prospective to old adage "do as I say, not as I do," wouldn't you say? ESR

Frank Salvato is the Executive Director for BasicsProject.org a grassroots, non-partisan, research and education initiative focusing on Constitutional Literacy, and internal and external threats facing Western Civilization. He is featured at FrankJSalvato.com: Because Our Republic Is Worth It. Mr. Salvato sits on the board of directors for Founders Alliance USA, a solutions-oriented non-profit organization. He also serves as the managing editor for NewMediaJournal.us. Mr. Salvato has appeared on The O'Reilly Factor on FOX News Channel and is a regular guest on talk radio across the country. Mr. Salvato is available for public speaking engagements. He can be contacted at franksalvato@basicsproject.org.






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